Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who has only tweeted twice about the crisis at the border, finally broke her silence and opened up more about the immigration issues on hand. In traditional radical left hypocrisy, she started trying to educate the public that the term “border surge” should be added to the long list of words rooted in racism. Sounds like a college freshman who just took their first sociology class.

While hosting an Instagram Live for questions and answers, one user asked AOC why she hasn’t been addressing anything related to the border crisis or migrant facilities like she used to. Under former President Donald Trump, AOC endlessly tweeted about Trump putting “kids in cages” and compared the migrant facilities to ‘concentration camps.’ She even took a photoshoot outside of a parking lot in Texas where she was “crying” after seeing the detention centers. Mind you, she never took an actual tour of the facilities. She said no. But apparently these ‘concentration camps’ are no longer an issue of hers.

“Are you for real? It’s not a border crisis. It’s an Imperialism crisis, it’s a climate crisis, it’s a trade crisis. And also it’s a carceral crisis because as I have already said during this term and this president, our immigration system is based and designed on our carceral system,” AOC responded.

Using the phrase “during this term” and “this president” is evidence enough that everything she says is purely political. AOC went on to claim that the word ‘surge’ invokes a militaristic frame and that these children entering the country are not ‘insurgents.’ Not once did she call the migrant facilities ‘cages’ as she had under the Trump era. And yes, there is a ‘surge.’ A surge of children. Over 14,000 and counting.

AOC adds that the idea of an immigration invasion is a ‘white supremacist philosophy and refused to blame President Biden for the surge of illegal migrants crossing the border. Migrants themselves admitted that they came to the country because of Biden’s policies and saying they thought they’d get treated better.

Fox News contributor Tom Homan criticized AOC for refusing to call this a “border crisis” or even a “national security crisis” and that she should visit the facilities immediately.

“Look, the men and women at the Border Patrol say it’s a crisis. The men and women of the Border Patrol know that these cartels are using these children and family units to drive them across the border and tie up their assets. 40% of the Border Patrol is assigned to the facility no longer have a line So these cartels are moving drugs and bad people through unguarded areas. This is a national security crisis. If Ocasio-Cortez can’t understand that or accept that, then she shouldn’t be in Congress at all,” Homan said.

Democrats push emotional roller coasters over logic and reasoning to keep the conversation away from the things that matter. AOC will continue fighting Instagram users over ‘racist terminology’ and stigmatize all law enforcement instead of seeing the crisis for what it is. But it’s easy to be comfortably fighting over words when you’re far away from the border and live in a safe neighborhood. That’s the real ‘privilege.’