After joining the Heritage Foundation and acting as the Ronald Reagan Presidential Scholar to the Young America’s Foundation, former vice president Mike Pence just launched his own political advocacy group “Advancing American Freedom.” The group will be promoting several of the successful policies used by the Trump Administration to rally conservatives and fight against President Biden’s radical-left agenda. The timing has been triggered by an overwhelming crisis at the border and raising taxes in the talks.
“Former Vice President Mike Pence today launched Advancing American Freedom, a policy and advocacy organization established to promote the pro-freedom policies of the last four years that created unprecedented prosperity at home and restored respect for America abroad, to defend those policies from liberal attacks and media distortions, and to prevent the radical Left from enacting its policy agenda that would threaten America’s freedom,” the statement reads.
The group’s leadership will include major figures from the Trump era including former senior counselor Kellyanne Conway, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, former U.S National Economic Council director Larry Kudlow, Russ Vought, former Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, and attorney Ed Meese. It will also include David McIntosh, president of the grassroots conservative movement Club for Growth. Co-chairs include Chip Saltsman, Marc Short, and Marty Obst. Pence would serve as the group’s executive director.
Former President Donald Trump even gave the organization his support. “It was the most successful first term in American history. Nice to see Mike highlighting some of our many achievements!,” he wrote in a statement regarding Advancing American Freedom.
Pence will also be giving his first public address since leaving office on April 29 at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center. He will be speaking to a conservative Christian nonprofit, The Palmetto Family Council, about a South Carolina “where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive, and life is cherished.” While he has not indicated if he plans to run for office or make a debut elsewhere, South Carolina helps set down a marker for a potential 2024 political bid.
Advancing American Freedom will be a 501 (c)(4) nonprofit that will be headquartered in Washington, D.C., and build a platform under the three pillars of American strength, liberty, and prosperity while expanding upon the Trump administration’s policies. This will include immigration issues, energy independence, economic focus, tax cuts, religious liberty, the pro-life movement, and school choice.
The group’s website vows to promote the center of the fusion between traditional conservatism and Trumpism. They said the GOP will not stand by idly as the Biden Administration attempts to threaten America’s standing with destructive policies regarding economic enslavement and religious persecution. The group would unite those with conservative values while preparing for the 2022 mid-term elections and beyond.
Advancing American Freedom will fight to restore a Republican form of government, which the Founding Fathers intentionally established, as well as focus on restoring a limited government and a strong national defense. While the radical left looks to undermine our religious and economic institutions under the lens of race and gender, the GOP wants to change America’s moral and economic destiny under the lens of liberty.