At this point, Democrats have all but threatened everything that doesn’t follow their way of thinking – and the Georgia voting law Sb 202 proves that. After Major League Baseball announced that they would be moving two of their biggest games out of Georgia over the new legislature, President Joe Biden was asked if the Masters golf tournament should be moved out of Georgia as well. By twisting everything politically, Biden’s answer reflects that his administration will prioritize the left-winged agenda over anything else, including small businesses and hardworking people.

President Biden first replied that he believes it is up to the Masters in that decision and talked about how “reassuring” it was that for-profit operations and businesses are speaking up against Georgia’s voting laws, which he referred to as “Jim Crow laws.” Mind you, the voting law, SB 202, expands access to early voting statewide and requires that all voters provide a valid driver’s license or a free state ID card number for absentee ballots. The bill also makes ballot drop boxes widely available and mandated in each county, as well as secured in their locations by private individuals.

While the president has yet to elaborate on how he came to peg this name, he went on to say that these boycotts end up hurting people “who are making hourly wages” the most. Then he threatened other states that the same thing could happen to them if they don’t follow other “woke” companies such as Coca-Cola, J.P. Morgan, and Delta.

“I think it’s a very tough decision for a corporation or a group to make, but I respect it when they make that judgment, and I support whatever judgment they make. But it’s – the best way to deal with this for Georgia and other states to smarten up. Stop it. Stop it. It’s about getting people to vote,” President Biden said.

President Biden claims to support however a business decides to protest the law before adding that they should “smarten up” to avoid businesses threatening to boycott or leave the state. Didn’t we learn about peer pressure in school?

Critics came after Biden’s comment, especially since his administration agreed this week to re-enter the Iranian nuclear deal and let American businesses do business with Iran again. U.N Ambassador Nikki Haley blasted the Biden Administration for encouraging investment deals between the U.S and Iran. By lifting the Iran sanctions, the U.S will help strengthen their economy and fund terrorism that so many Iranian people fought against. She called the administration “Obama 2.0” by snubbing allies like Israel and then cozying up to enemies like Iran.

“Biden wants to give the green light for American companies to invest in Iran…the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism. Yet, he’s telling them to boycott Georgia. Someone should remind him that he works FOR the American people,” Haley tweeted.

Council of Economic Advisers chair Cecelia Rouse even said that there is “undoubtedly going to be a cost” to the majority-black city of Atlanta’s stadium workers and small businesses affected by MLB’s decision to boycott Georgia. She then adds that “workers at another place will benefit,” just like when White House press secretary Jen Psaki told pipeline workers who lost their jobs over Biden’s policy to go find a green job instead.

The radical left leaders will take away jobs and boycott businesses with a “better luck next time” grin on their faces because it’s not their livelihood being messed with, it’s yours.