Keystone XL Pipeline workers couldn’t believe their ears when they recently heard President Joe Biden’s Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm admit that a pipeline was the best way to transport oil across the country. Not only is a pipeline cost-effective and safer, but it also pumps money into the local community and provides hundreds of jobs. But Republicans knew that when the Biden Administration pulled key permits for the $8 billion Keystone XL Pipeline venture.

According to a recent report, the Biden Administration decided to waive sanctions against the Russian company Nord Stream 2 AG and the pipeline they are building from Russia to Germany. President Biden is also waiving sanctions against Nord Stream 2 AG CEO Matthias Warnig. While the Biden Administration admits that they still oppose the pipeline, they said the U.S will not stand in the way of the Russia-to-Germany pipeline’s completion. Biden said he did not want to “negatively impact” U.S relations with Germany, the EU, and other European allies and partners.

By cutting the Keystone XL Pipeline project in the name of “climate change,” President Biden has killed thousands of American jobs (up to 11,000 jobs, including 8,000 union positions) and has decided that his commitment to the environment was more important than American jobs for the people. Waiving the sanctions for a pipeline benefitting Russia and Germany, however, is just hypocritical. Some even suggested that Biden is trying to help Russian President Vladimir Putin, who he called a ‘killer’ just two months ago.

“In defiance of U.S. law, Biden is actively helping Putin build his pipeline. Objectively speaking, the Biden administration is shaping up to be the most pro-Russia administration of the modern era,” Texas Sen. Ted Cruz tweeted.

When Biden cut the Keystone project, the owner of Stroppel Hotel in Midland, South Dakota, Laurie Cox, said she saw her business take a major hit. Her hotel has been home to union workers, welders, carpenters, and pipeline project workers. But on January 20, they were out of a job. Cox argued that it was ‘purely political’ and said it shows the incompetence and the ego of whoever is pulling the strings. She said it was particularly hard to hear the same administration now touting the benefits of a pipeline.

“The current administration is doing nothing but proving they want to destroy America. It solidifies that this administration does not have a platform for anything except hate,” Cox said.

The business manager for the Laborers, Local 620 union in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Peter Bardeson also agreed that the decisions coming out of Washington are nothing more than a campaign move to reverse any policy or executive order that the Trump administration put in place. How do they lay their heads down at night knowing they’re supposed to be protecting these people and providing them with what they need to live? Ole Joe sold us out,” he said.

Fox News reporter Peter Doocy also questioned White House press secretary Peter Doocy about the Biden Administration’s commitment to “climate leadership” after canceling the Keystone XL pipeline but allowing the construction of Russia’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

“President Biden blocked the Keystone XL pipeline here because he said it would undermine U.S. climate leadership and undercut our ability to urge other countries to take ambitious climate action. So how is he urging other countries to take ambitious climate action when he’s letting other countries build Nord Stream 2?” Doocy asked.

Psaki defended the administration’s position by saying that they’ve “conveyed” to Russia that the pipeline is a bad idea and that they would not sanction Germany’s end since it “could damage relations.”

But this further proves that it was ever about climate leadership, but the return on investments. Hunter Biden made millions from his Russian allies and now they have bought influences and access into the White House. Now, they are getting what they paid for.