It’s hard to keep track of your lies once things start to fall apart. Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has been claiming that she took a “personal” trip to visit her extremely rich but “sick” father in Florida. Insiders shared that her father was fully vaccinated, tested negative for COVID-19, and moderately healthy at the time.

While she urged state residents not to travel during Spring Break, she broke the rules herself – and hadn’t even been vaccinated yet. “Rules for thee, but not for me,” right? But, Whitmer’s career is on ice after newly released documents show that she used funds from a dark money 501 (c)(4) organization to pay for the “personal” trip. Oops.

For some time now, Whitmer officials have claimed that a two-hour trip the governor took to Florida was strictly “personal business,” which would not allow the governor to use nonprofit funds. Whitmer, herself, has told a 9&10 News journalist that it was a “quick trip” and that she has nothing more to add. She’d also defended her aides for taking Spring Break trips to Florida and Alabama as well, telling the press that “what directors do on their personal time is their business, so long as they are safe.”

According to newly released documents from Whitmer’s office, a 501 (c)(4) organization, Executive Office Account, paid $27,521 for the flight. If Whitmer’s trip had been for a legitimate 501(c)(4) purpose, then she could have it paid for, but if it were for personal use then the account funds must be investigated. Nonprofit organizations can only pay for organization-related activities. While she reimbursed $855 for her personal seat, it is still unclear how her office arrived at these figures or who else was on the two-hour flight to Florida with her.

Michigan Rising Action’s executive director Tori Sachs called Whitmer’s trip “shady” and said it makes it clear why she was trying to hide the trip and cover up the costs. The use of funds would’ve had to be conducted by the Internal Revenue Service, which regulates c4 organizations.

Whitmer’s trip also violated the Michigan Constitution. When a governor is absent from the state, the lieutenant governor is in charge. She never even notified the Florida law enforcement that she was visiting the state or give any details surrounding the trip.

She’d flown on a chartered plane by Air Eagle LLC, which is owned by three Detroit businessmen. One of the owners said they wondered why Whitmer reached out to them instead of booking a private charter. It was reported later on that some of the businessmen have dealings with the state and that it was speculated that the flight was used by the businessman in exchange for time with the governor. This speculation was shortly before the 501 (c)(4) forms were released.

While the circumstances of the trip are still incredibly shady and an investigation must be conducted, President Joe Biden recently traveled to Michigan and praised the governor as an “honorable” person. Figures.

President Joe Biden was speaking at the Ford Motor Company’s Dearborn electric vehicle plant when he praised Gov. Whitmer amid her private jet scandal. “You’ve got a backbone like a ramrod. You’ve got a brain as big as anybody in the business. And you’re so honorable. It’s a delight to know you. As I’ve said to you before, I’ll come campaign for you or against you, whatever will help you the most,” he said.

Whitmer faces re-election in 2022 and might have her political future ruined by the numerous scandals. Progress Michigan- a far-left advocacy group, even found an extreme amount of disapproval in Whitmer’s job performance throughout the coronavirus pandemic. They asked 820 Michigan voters about how Whitmer has done so far. 49% said they approved, 43% said they strongly disapproved, and 6% said they somewhat approved.

One of the primary candidates entering the 2022 race for governor of Michigan is conservative media personality Tudor Dixon. She hosts the right-wing news outlet “America’s Voice Live” on Real America’s Voice and has criticized Whitmer repeatedly over her handling of the pandemic. Dixon also met with former President Trump earlier this month.

“You look at hospitality, you look at businesses – just yesterday businesses were actually allowed to bring their people back into the office. We have our schools shut down still, we have many students that are out of school and she supported the teachers union… she’s supported keeping businesses closed,” Dixon said.

Former Republican Senate Candidate John James and Republican National Committee Chair Ronna McDaniel have also been named as possible candidates.

Let’s hope Michigan welcomes a rationale, clear thinking candidate – whomever that may be – to be the next Governor. We need more challengers like Dixon to stand up for the constitution, support local businesses, and hard-working Americans.