According to a recent report from the charity Miles 4 Migrants, hundreds of illegal immigrants from Africa are gaining free entrance into the United States with taxpayer-purchased plane tickets. While migrants from Africa typically travel by boat or plane and then trek through Columbia and Panama, the 501(c)(3) charity is currently donating flyer miles to refugees and their family members. But it’s not even the refugee assistance that alarms people the most.

According to a Daily Mail report, the illegal immigrants seeking admittance to the United States have been allowed to bypass the Transportation Security Agency’s government photo ID requirements. They can board flights without an ID and don’t have to provide a COVID-19 test or vaccination status, which all American citizens are required to adhere to.

The charity has already assisted more than 700 border crossers who were passing through Southern California hotels before taking off on commercial flights. Biden officials were spending $71-90 a night for border crossers to stay in free hotel rooms before being moved into the U.S.

Miles 4 Migrants is currently working with more than 50 nonprofit partners including Delta Airlines, United Airlines, and the United Nations Refugee Agency. Uber has even launched a ride credit to support Miles 4 Migrants and donate frequent flyer miles and credit card points.

Migrants have also been working with the Catholic Charities for airline entry into the US. While some TSA officials say they have been confident in the pre-screening background checks they run on migrants, former Customs Border Protection agent Mark Morgan said he just isn’t sure.

“I’m sure CBP is doing as much due diligence as possible. But when you have 180,000 people crossing a month and many don’t have the official travel documents normally needed to ensure identity, there is only so much you can do,” Morgan said.

TSA press secretary Sarah Rodrigues shared that they have an “established process” to verify undocumented individuals who travel on a commercial airline but declined to discuss specifics. She just said that they call embassies back in the home countries when the migrants are detained and without papers. She said they use “every resource available” to try and confirm the traveler’s identity.

But Morgan argued that the move was against every security norm they’ve learned after 9/11 just to move illegal aliens through the country. He asked about the accuracy of just calling for information from a Venezuela or Sudan consulate and asked if you can really be sure.

John Zadrozny, a former top Trump-era adviser on homeland and immigration issues, said he’s seen people boarding planes without passports or IDS and that the American people need to be fully aware of this. He said it’s not only a health risk but a potential terrorism risk.

“They are putting people on planes without passports or IDs. We saw it firsthand. We saw a family from Uganda — by the way, [they were] very well-dressed and spoke fluent English and had a lot of money on them — board a flight without a passport. And so not only is the contrast really sharp, but it’s a dangerous contrast,” Zadrozny said.

Zadrozny called on Congress to review the processes and practices, even suggesting that they need to prevent these types of waivers and stick to traditional security measures.

The Biden Administration’s open-border policies are welcoming migrants with open arms, all except Cubans who are trying to flee from a communist dictator. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas even warned that any Cuban who tries to sail over to Florida or any part of the U.S will not be welcome into the United States. He told people not to risk their lives “attempting to enter the United States illegally.” How ironic.

If illegal aliens don’t have to follow stay-at-home orders, get vaccinated, or wear a mask then neither should hardworking Americans. If a migrant does it, it will be ignored. If an American does it, they’ll be fined, taxed, arrested, and prosecuted.