Everything that has always made sense is now being questioned by the woke mob. And they’ve recently decided that birth certificates are offensive.

The American Medical Association announced on Monday that the biological sex of an individual should be removed as a “legal designation” on the public part of birth certificates. They claimed it can lead to discriminatory and unnecessary burdens for those who “don’t align with their designation at birth” and cause issues for those trying to register for school, sports, adoption, getting married, or other personal records. At this point, even medical associations have lost a basic understanding of biology and anatomy.

The left-leaning AMA Board of Trustees decided to work on a piece of legislation over the last few months claiming that they should remove the terms “male” and “female” from birth certificates. The board said that “evidence of an individual being born” is the only information needed. They claimed that it “hampers down” on individuals who may want to live as something other than their biological sex.

The AMA explained that sex designation refers to the biological difference between males and females, adding that the majority of states allow people to amend the sex designation on their birth certificates. Only ten states currently allow for a gender-neutral designation, which is typically an “X” on the birth certificate. They advocated for removing it on the birth certificate and submitting it only through the U.S Standard Certificate of Live Birth for medical, public health, and statistical use only.

“Existing AMA policy recognizes that every individual has the right to determine their gender identity and sex designation on government documents. To protect individual privacy and to prevent discrimination, U.S.  jurisdictions should remove sex designation on the birth certificate,” the recommendation reads.

Radical left organizations have continued to recommend removing these “bureaucratic hurdles” for the transgender community without taking into consideration how political of a view this is in a field of study. It goes against all scientific factors from start to finish without acknowledging people born as they are. “This is why Doctors no longer join the AMA. It’s no longer based on science,” a social media user wrote in response to AMA’s announcement.

Another social media user asked what other “hurdles” need to be removed to make people conform to this radical left delusion. Liberals have been trying to push biology as a “failed” science and have advocated not to teach it. They said biological sex is nothing but a social construct.

A University of California professor admits that many medical schools veer away from referring to a patient’s biological sex because it can be considered ‘transphobic.’ Another professor even stopped mid-lecture to apologize to his class for using the term “pregnant women,” which implies only women can get pregnant.

Biology helps us understand the living world and its many species, including functions. It helps us advance in agriculture, medicine, and technology. Ignoring it and removing it only diminishes the quality of life and how we function, evolve, and interact. At this point, the word “medical” should be removed from the American Medical Association. Liberalism has officially killed science.