29-year-old Chicago police officer Ella French was recently shot and killed at a traffic stop. She was with her law enforcement partner, who is now fighting for his life in critical condition at the University of Chicago Medical Center. He is said to be 39 years old, married, and has a young son. There were 41 shooting victims Saturday night in Chicago during a ten-hour window of time that started at 7 p.m. This would make 137 people shot and wounded in the month of August so far.

Police officers accept when they put on the uniform that they could become a target but never expected politicians to contribute and make conditions worse. Lightfoot has created a cesspool of violence in New York. Cops have had enough and are no longer going to remain silent.

Mayor Lightfoot first took the opportunity to tweet about the tragedy, adding that they all have an enemy in common. She called it an official day of mourning for the city and sent her condolences to the officer’s family. Of course, she also took a jab at the Second Amendment.

“Some say we don’t do enough for the police. Others say we do too much. All of this must stop. We have a common enemy: it’s guns & the violence they bring,” Lightfoot tweeted.

When Lightfoot went to visit recovering Officer at the hospital, about 30 officers turned their backs on her as she approached them. An inside source said that it looked like it had been choreographed. Even the father of the officer, who is a retired Chicago cop, gave the Mayor an earful when she tried to talk to him. According to witnesses, he blamed her for what happened and even began screaming at one point.

The Mayor’s office released a statement claiming that in a time of tragedy and high emotions, “that is to be expected.” It says that the Mayor spoke to a range of officers regarding the tragedy and that there was an overwhelming concern for their fallen colleagues. Mayor Lightfoot claims that she is trying to heal the wounds and reject anything that creates division in the city. Pretty ironic coming from the Mayor who publicly boasts about only accepting interviews from non-White reporters.

“As the Mayor stated yesterday, now is not the time for divisive and toxic rhetoric or reporting. This is a time for us to come together as a city. We have a common enemy and it is the conditions that breed the violence and the manifestations of violence, namely illegal guns, and gangs,” the statement reads.

Lightfoot said that critics of her treatment of the police should “just stop” and that they owe “a debt of gratitude” to the police department that they can never truly repay. It’s already a terrible thing that she said “some say we do too much for the police officers” right after a 29-year-old officer has been murdered and another injured. She is partly to blame for allowing all of the violence in the city. It started as “social justice” protests and turned into full-fledged crime sprees overnight.

Democratic governors continue running their cities to the ground with racism and anti-law and order attitude. Lightfoot is using an officer’s death to push an anti-gun order in poor taste. The only common enemy in Chicago is Lightfoot.