President Joe Biden tried to criticize Gov. Ron DeSantis’ handling of the COVID-19 pandemic in Florida and ended up losing all credibility himself. The Florida governor pointed out to the Biden Administration that they ran a campaign saying they were going to “shut down the virus’ yet they continue to flood the states with people from over 100 different countries. A feud has developed between DeSantis and Biden, but only one political leader wants to get a handle on the pandemic

President Biden tried to argue that governors like DeSantis need to “get out of the way” and let more restrictive COVID-19 policies be put in place. He accused DeSantis of doing the “wrong” thing during the pandemic instead of trying to help save lives. That’s always how dramatic the Democratic spin is. It’s either “get the jab or be a grandma-killer.”

DeSantis, however, wasn’t having it and fired back that Florida is a place of freedom, not a “biomedical security state.” He said that Joe Biden has tried to single out the state of Florida over coronavirus cases instead of handling the border crisis and letting through “every COVID variant on this planet” with his open-border policies. Why are mask mandates in Florida schools more important to the president of the United States than numbers of migrants pouring through the country that we haven’t seen since 2000.

“You have hundreds of thousands of people pouring across every month. Do you think they’re being worried about COVID for that? Of course not. So he’s facilitating, who knows what new variants are out there, but I can tell you, whatever variants around the world, they’re coming across that southern border, and so he’s not shutting down the virus, he’s helping to facilitate it in our country,” DeSantis said.

The governor emphasized that Florida is a state where people are free to choose to make their own decisions about themselves, for their families, their kids’ education, and putting food on the table. He said that Joe Biden’s suggestion to go with the lockdown policies or get out of the way is unconstitutional and stands in the rights of parents. He said he will stand in the way of anyone who tries to restrict people, impose mandates, ruin jobs, and keep people locked down. He then asked Biden to do his job.

“Why don’t you get this border secure? And until you do that, I don’t want to hear a blip about COVID from you,” DeSantis concluded.

DeSantis grew wildly popular last year when he took the opposite stance of most states during the COVID-19 pandemic. Florida became the perfect “test” state throughout the pandemic to see if implemented lockdowns work to “stop the spread.” While many states locked down, Florida remained open.

Cases varied and medical researchers found that there wasn’t much difference between hospitalization rates and COVID-19 cases in areas such as California, New York, and Florida. Each had its own spikes and curves throughout the months, as with any transmissible disease. The studies concluded that the states that implemented the harshest lockdowns are taking the longest to recover economically. This became a solid foundation for DeSantis as a leader, which the Dems do not care for.

President Biden tried to bark back when NBC News White House Correspondent Kelly O’Donnell asked him about the ongoing feud between the two. He pretended like he didn’t even know who the governor was when he was asked a question.

“When I asked the president his reaction to @RonDeSantisFL saying he is ‘getting in the way’ over COVID restrictions. Pres. Biden responded “Governor who?… that’s my response,” O’Donnell tweeted.

Biden has also tried to criticize Texas Gov. Greg Abbott for “getting in the way” over fighting the virus in their state. He accused the states of lacking leadership and said they account for one-third of all new COVID-19 cases in the entire country.

Even White House Press secretary Jen Psaki tried to blame the states for their rising coronavirus cases. She accused DeSantis of putting “politics over public health.”

Closing the border really isn’t that difficult with Trump-era policies and more people need to call out Biden for his. COVID-19 is here to stay and the fear-mongering is over. We need more people like DeSantis who are telling us to go out and live our lives, instead of sitting home trapped in fear and counting case numbers. Americans have to suffer the consequences of rising case numbers from a surge of migrants and there’s only Biden to blame.