Coca-Cola, American Airlines, and Nike have all gone incredibly ‘woke’ over the last year. Now, Bank of America Corp will be joining the ranks. They recently unveiled a racial “re-education. Program” that is 21 days long and very similar to Critical Race Theory. The “Racial Equity 21-Day Challenge” is based on the claim that the United States is a system of “white supremacy.” It encourages people to become woke at work by decolonizing their minds and “ceding power to people of color.”

On the first day of the program, bank employees were taught that the United States uses race to establish and justify systems of power and privilege. The training talks about how all White people live with “White-skin privileges” regardless of class, background, or other disadvantages. It claims that Black children face disproportionate classroom discipline, get set up with a “school to prison pipeline” and are more exposed to environmental pollutants and “environmental racism.”

The training even cited a study that White toddlers develop racial biases by ages 3 to 5 and should be actively taught to recognize and reject White privilege. They framed all White people as oppressors and all racial minorities as irreproachable. The curriculum even cited sources from The New York Times’ “1619 Project,” which historians have condemned for twisting history.

The training spent days covering “White privilege” and anyone who objected to the characterizations could refer to the discussion guide, which suggests that people of color can’t be racist. It states that racism is only used to justify dominant groups and uphold superiority and that “reverse racism and discrimination are not possible.” It says that racism is, by definition, a “form of oppression exercised by the dominant racial group (Whites).”

Manhattan Institute senior fellow Christopher Rufo first obtained the documents through a whistleblower and revealed the 21 Day Challenge. According to the documents, Bank of America employees were encouraged to take the program back in December 2020.

The United Way of Central Carolinas even issued a press release, announcing the Racial Equity 21-Day Challenge and its sponsors. Bank of America, Truist Financial Corporation, and Lowes were all tagged as “equity champions” for the challenge. A handful of other sponsors joined as “equity ally sponsors” and others joined as “equity partner sponsors.” The United Way explained how sponsors would have the opportunity to share the Challenge activity with their employees and encourage all participants.

Chairman of the American Conservative Union Matt Schlapp said that these job training “make White straight Christian make employees apologize for being White, straight, male and Christian.” He said engaging in CRT training plays a large role in ripping America apart.

While the Bank of America claims to represent the United States, it is now pushing the idea that the country is based on the foundation of racism, from collective guilt and white privilege to calling toddlers racist. The Bank of America doesn’t represent American ideals or values, but whatever political messages make the most cash. And Democrats know a lot about that.