President Joe Biden has been wrong on nearly everything in the Afghanistan evacuations. He appeared 18 minutes late to his afternoon speech at the White House to talk about the “difficult process” of evacuating more citizens, visa holders, and refugees from Afghanistan. But he failed to mention how they will clean up the evacuation process, even adding at one point that “a lot could still go wrong.” It’s just another grasp of how incompetent the Biden Administration is, as well as a lack of common sense.

“Let me be clear: The evacuation of thousands of people from Kabul is going to be hard and painful, no matter when it started when we began. It would have been true if we had started a month ago, or a month from now,” Biden said.

President Biden excused the evacuation in his speech, suggesting that there was “no way” they could evacuate that many people “without pain and loss.” But people aren’t arguing the end result, they are arguing how he handled it. Former President Donald Trump made it clear as day in his most recent rally speech that this was “one of the great military defeats of all time” and that it did not have to happen that way. He called it a total surrender of our weapons, airbase, and embassy.

“It didn’t have to happen. All [Biden] had to do was leave the soldiers until everyone was out, our citizens, the weapons, and then you bomb the hell out of the bases and say ‘bye bye,’” Trump said.

To this day, President Biden refuses to hold anyone accountable for the mess. His reaction has been similar to former President Barack Obama, who rarely fired anyone in the administration or held people accountable for faults. Trump, on the other hand, constantly reshuffled his national security team when they failed to deliver the desired results – as you should in any presidency or administration. It’s nothing personal, it’s just business.

Even Axios reported on Biden’s decision not to fire any senior national security officials over the chaos in Kabul.

Biden repeatedly claimed that nothing about the effort is “easy” and that the images and videos emerging from the scene are still “heartbreaking.” His somber tone was drastically different from the “optimistic” address he gave last week about Afghanistan. He emphasized that the military and state departments are doing all they can to get more Americans out of the country, but said he wouldn’t provide any details due to security reasons.

President Biden said the American troops have evacuated 28,000 people since August 14 and 11,000 this weekend. He talked about monitoring the ongoing threats in Afghanistan, warning people that terrorists might try to exploit the situation or target innocent Afghans and American troops. He refused to give any details surrounding the monitor of threats against allies, which, again, emphasizes that he probably doesn’t have a plan at all. He said there’s still a long way to go to get all of the American and Afghan allies out of Kabul, which is now under Taliban control.

The Biden Administration has also been unable to provide details on stopping the Taliban from seizing billions in assets and cash. The Taliban has seized billions in US military hardware including guns, ammunition, helicopters, heavy artillery, drones, and armored vehicles. While they scramble to get citizens and allies out of the mess they caused, President Biden also seems to have overlooked the Taliban’s plans to seize even more assets. This includes $10 billion in assets currently being held in Afghanistan’s central bank.

According to a Washington Free Beacon report, there’s between $18-20 billion in cash being held in the bank’s vaults, which will likely be seized by the Taliban without US interference. But Biden has made no plans to intercept the funds or fly the money out of the country. At this point, destroying it would be a viable option. The report details how the Treasury Department would not answer questions about securing the cash, which still remains inside the country.

It’s clear that the Biden administration is too concerned with their image to ensure that the Taliban does not become wealthy with resources (and cash). This is a result of sloppy planning and the Taliban’s swift return to power, as they took over the Afghan government in less than a week.

Although the United States froze cash shipments to Afghanistan over the weekend, some Biden members have suggested unfreezing it and offering it to the Taliban as “foreign aid cash,” just as long as they don’t attack the US embassy compound in Kabul.

The Biden Administration wants to save face and make cash deals with terrorist organizations. They have no planned route of evacuation or to keep billions of dollars of American weaponry out of the hands of the Taliban. At this point, President Biden isn’t only an embarrassment to the United States but the whole world.