Texas counties have continued to deal with the flood of migrants pouring through the border as the Biden Administration abandons all policies and federal resources. They’ve continued to show a lack of support to Border Patrol, with Vice President and Border Czar Kamala Harris failing to address any real issues at the border.

Counties said they’ve seen enough with the surge of migrants and have decided to join forces together in a lawsuit to challenge Biden’s immigration policies. The vote was unanimous in favor of filing the lawsuit.

The U.S Customs and Border Protection has reported more than 1.5 million illegal border crossings during the fiscal year 2021 and has received fierce backlash for failing to address many issues.

While Democrats are furious that Biden has continued using some of the Trump-era policies to handle the migrant flow, such as Title 42, Republicans have argued against Biden reversing some of the Trump policies. He has attempted multiple times to end the “Remain in Mexico” policy, which would have illegal immigrants waiting in Mexico for their court dates instead of the U.S.

Val Verde County Commissioner Beau Nettleton talked about the lawsuit in a Tuesday night meeting, calling it “inexcusable” for the mess they have today. He said the Biden Administration couldn’t care less about the American people and that they’ve found themselves in the center of a mess that the whole entire world is watching. He insisted on President Biden and President Andrés Manuel López Obrador getting together to come up with a solution.

“I don’t have the answer as to whether a lawsuit solves this problem, but it draws attention to this problem. They took the same oath of office that I did, which was to uphold the constitution…they need to comply with that oath and do their job and stop this mess. I am all for people coming into this country legally – that’s what built this country. This is not a legal process, this is not the right way to do it,” Nettleton said.

Nettleton talked about the years of ineffective policies coming out of Washington that have forced border towns to carry heavy burdens. He pointed out how 50% of the population in his city is sitting underneath the International Bridge and asked how a town of that size, and with its tax base, is supposed to deal with the problem. He called it a “complete failure” of everything that is going on in Washington.

Val Verde County Judge Lewis Owens said he feels like he keeps beating his head against a wall and there’s nobody listening. He said they will be filing the lawsuit against President Biden for failing to enforce the Constitution of the United States, uphold the laws, and failing to protect and defend the border.

“Until you see it in person, it’s unbelievable. … Our administration, our president has done a sh***y job and does not realize what they’re doing for us. … This is his fault. Border Patrol, DPS, sheriff, everybody else down there that’s involved shouldn’t be having to go through this crap,” Owens said.

Democratic Mayor of Laredo, Texas, Pete Saenz even admits that former president Donald Trump’s policies benefited border towns and helped the residents. He said for months now, they’ve been forced to provide humanitarian care, medical services, and transportation for thousands of migrants passing through Laredo. He said the federal government should be handling the issues.

Val Verde County joins Florida in filing a lawsuit against President Biden for failing to act at the Border. It’s impossible to say whether or not these lawsuits will change how the Biden Administration handles the border. They might just stick strictly to schedule and keep pretending like the border crisis doesn’t even exist.