The Wheeler School in Providence (Rhode Island) prohibited white students from attending guest speaker events. Instead, they allowed only students who are “identify themselves as a student or of color” to attend.

The school sent a February 7th, 2022 email to all sixth, seventh and eighth graders inviting them to join a “Students of Color Affinity Group” event with Karyn Parsons, actress and author. She is most well-known for her role in NBC’s The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air as Hilary Banks.

Critical race theorists and other leftists often use “Affinity Group” as a pet name to refer to racial segregation. This term can also be used to describe other forms of segregation that are based on “common identities characteristics”. It places a high value on these attributes and allows for exclusions of people with different characteristics.

Parents and students from the Wheeler School reported that white students in the middle school were barred from attending. At the lower grades, racial segregation was not observed.

Parsons responded to the criticism via Twitter but did not seem to deny the racial separation. She justified it by saying that all students could have met her at the other sessions.

The Wheeler School is not the only one to be accused of racism.

There is also an Antiracism Working Group for White Parents and Guardians. This group featured a variety of radical source materials that detail how to talk about race and whiteness.

Wheeler’s diversity equity and inclusion page also contain a detailed “microaggression reporting procedure” that was described with phrases such as “microassault,” microinsult, and “microinvalidation.” This “involves negating and ignoring the “psychological thoughts, feelings or experiential reality” of a person who is of color. Saturday’s removal of this information from the site was a complete success.

The section that has been deleted defines a microassault as a “verbal or not verbal attack intended to hurt the intended victims through name-calling or avoidant behavior or purposeful discriminatory acts.”

Nicole Neily, President of PDE and Founder, said that it was truly shocking that schools in 2022 consider it acceptable to exclude students based on their skin color. It’s wrong and should be known by prospective families, current families and alumni so they can redirect tuition and donations to other schools.