The Biden administration launched a range of strategies across all government agencies to support racial equality, and “underserved” communities. Biden signed an Inauguration day order that directed agencies to “promote equity for all, including people of color and other groups who have historically been marginalized and underserved or adversely affected by persistent poverty and inequality.” 

A year later, more than 90 agencies (which include all Cabinet departments) published their plans. To make federal policy more fair, they included over 300 strategies and action plans.

According to the White House, agencies from all levels of federal government are taking bold actions to support those communities who have been denied this opportunity for too long. This includes people with disabilities, communities of color, Tribal communities, rural communities, LGBTQI+ communities, and communities of color.
The Department of Homeland Security released a plan that will address everything.

DHS promised to identify and remove barriers that might hinder naturalization in underserved areas to promote naturalization. The department also said it would work to “expand gender-identification options” for certain traveler programs like TSA PreCheck.

The Pentagon also stated that it would reorganize the supply chain to provide more opportunities for underserved communities.

On the other hand, the Department of Labor is strengthening wage and hours protections, while the Department of Housing and Urban Development is aiming to close the racial gap in home ownership. It also helps households with low incomes weatherize their homes.

To help people with limited English proficiency report crimes more effectively, the Justice Department is expanding language access to its programs. The Interior Department offers technical assistance to Native American Tribes in order to assist them with grant applications.