LinkedIn reinstated the Air Force veteran’s post and offered an apology for incorrectly accusing her of violating hate speech policies. Gretchen Smith, a veteran said that freedom is secured by their blood sweat and tears. “Every American has the responsibility to defend our freedoms.”

She stated, “I am grateful LinkedIn reinstated me account.” “Now, we can concentrate on veterans in crisis/need.”

Smith shared her story via LinkedIn Thursday about how she rose out of poverty to get four college degrees after becoming an Air Force pilot. Smith stated that she wasn’t responsible for student loan debt.

LinkedIn removed her post and banned her account.

LinkedIn shared a screenshot of Smith saying that Smith’s post was “incompatible with our policy regarding hate speech.”

Smith appealed to LinkedIn and Smith was reinstated.

LinkedIn sent Smith a message confirming that the content did not violate their policies. We are sorry for the error. Your content is now available on LinkedIn.

Smith’s LinkedIn account was restricted because she was using a personal profile rather than a group for Code of Vets. According to the website, the group plans to use social media in order to assist veterans in crisis or need.

According to the representative, there are times when things don’t go as planned. You can appeal the decision if you feel that the content was removed in error.

Fox News spokesperson Greg Snapper stated, “The profile name in the case does not comply with our policies.” She would allow her account to be reinstated once she has made any necessary adjustments to her profile.

Smith agreed to make the page a group account, and LinkedIn removed the restriction.