Two years later, and only days after a major election, far-left CBS News confirmed that Hunter Biden’s laptop (aka “The Laptop from Hell”) is Hunter Biden.

This is a troll from an old news outlet that is so corrupt it trolls political enemies on right with open and unbridled joy… We know there have been 2 national elections since the laptop was first reported. We’ll only verify that the House of Representatives will be headed by Republicans. We would still lie if they had not won the House. Magatards, how’s that for a finger in you racist, sexist and homophobic eyes?

Here’s CBS’s Catherine Herridge, making a fool of herself and all the rest. This is breaking right now. Holy cow! Just after the midterms. What about that *nervous laughter, slaps leg* CBS News has been hard at work for two years and all of it just happened TODAY! No, fer realsies. Stop laughing.

Emma-Jo Morris, a reporter at Breitbart, verified the contents of her laptop while she was working for the New York Post.

The corporate media, including CBS “News”, responded at the time to the news about the laptop as either ignoring it or lying about Russian disinformation.

Even worse, the far-left New York Times was not as shameless as CBS. They checked the laptop several months ago.

Here is a partial transcript of the CBS report — lol:

CBS News obtained the laptop data directly from the source. They told us that they gave it to the FBI in response to a subpoena. We then commissioned an independent forensic examination to verify its authenticity.

John Paul Mac Isaac would have been the source of the data and would have given it to CBS when they requested it. Their decision to wait for TWO YEARS or for however long the CBS fraudsters waited was their decision. Return to CBS “News”.

Herridge interviews Mac Isaac’s lawyer because she said she wanted to “cut through [political] noise.” She could have done that TWO YEARS AGO. Because she is a political operative, she chose not to.

Herridge informs computer experts that there is some reporting of folders being created. She could have spoken to Herridge TWO YEARS AGO.

CBS and other fake media didn’t report the truth about the laptop during the weeks leading to the 2020 election. They certainly weren’t going report the truth about the laptop after the election, and then immediately tie the hands of a new Democrat President in a major scandal. They didn’t report the truth about laptops before the midterm elections. They are now reporting the truth, but only for two reasons. 1) The GOP is about the prove the laptop is real. 2) We’re two years away from 2024 presidential elections, which will allow CBS and the laptop to be “old news”.