Elon Musk, Twitter’s head of communications, had more to say about Tuesday’s reach of government censorship.

With the release of the latest Twitter files, we saw the pressure the Biden administration put on Twitter to de-platform people for things like COVID.

This is of course a constitutional problem when speech is being suppressed by the government. Twitter is no longer a private company. They are acting under the pressure of the government.

We reported that it wasn’t Twitter the government was pressuring.

Glenn Greenwald, a journalist, was pointing out that the left had been going after Matt Taibbi for exposing the censorship and labeling him mentally ill because he said he was disturbed by the whole thing.

The left prefers to attack the messenger than deflect from the message. They don’t want Americans to see how widespread censorship is and how much the government has been involved.

Musk responded that the government was in constant communication with Twitter and virtually all major tech companies.

Musk stated that most people don’t understand the importance of Matt’s point. Musk stated that “*Every* social media platform is involved in heavy censorship with substantial involvement and, at times explicit direction, by the government. Google makes it a habit to make links disappear, for example.

Greenwald pointed out that it wasn’t that they accepted the Democratic narrative, but that the tech companies were pushed into agreeing — or else they would be subject to the penalties of non-compliance. The DHS/FBI/CIA was involved in the pressure.

Now that the curtain is being pulled back, it’s time to take action to stop this from happening again. With the Musk takeover on Twitter, we see how you can bring about change if your heart is set on it. This shouldn’t be a political issue (although it is). Everyone should be against such censorship. There are many questions about constitutional violations. It won’t be enough to have another empty Congressional investigation. If the GOP finally makes an investigation count and takes action, it could gain a lot more credibility with the base.