This is one way to increase your employment. If you live in New York, and you have that one family member who just refuses to get a job and leeches off friends and relatives, don’t worry: Semi-gainful employment could be in their future when the time finally comes for them to shuffle off this mortal coil. They can always nourish a rosebush or tree in someone’s yard.
New York Governor Kathy Hochul signed NY A00382. The bill adds “natural organic reduction” to cremation and burial as a way to dispose of human remains. How does it work? You’ll be sorry you asked, but since you did…
Only the News was able to investigate it. The remaining bones and teeth are then crushed up. Finally, everything is packed and shipped to the family.
The New York State Catholic Conference condemned the legislation. He stated that the legislation wouldn’t allow for the spreading of human body compost mixed with organic matter to fertilize garden beds. Rabbi Avi Shafran is Agudath Israel America’s public affairs director. He stated that “the idea of using a body for growing plants is a violation to the honor due to a vessel once housing a human spirit.”
It is your corpse. It’s your corpse. My grandparents, parents, and many friends have died.
Once we start using organ banks and crops from the dearly dead to fertilize our crops, we are close to legalizing their use.
This makes you wonder if veganism really is worth it.
It’s what you’d expect from extraterrestrials who have bizarre views about human life and view humans as cattle that can be used only to satisfy their needs.