Following the tragic shooting at the Nashville Christian school, Tim Burchett (Republican from Tennessee) said that he doesn’t believe Congress has the authority to address the nation’s gun violence problem. However, he believes revival is necessary and people need to change their hearts.
The comments were made after a 28-year-old shooter shot three children and three adults at Covenant School on Monday. Law enforcement officers fatally shot the shooter on the scene.
“We’re not gonna fix it. Criminals are gonna be criminals,” Burchett said. He also said there is a mental health problem in the U.S. that needs to be tackled.
“I don’t see any real role that we could do other than mess things up honestly,” he said. Burchett, who noted that he is a Christian, said a revival is needed — he said that he believes ministers and “communities of faith” must “come together” and preach from the Bible about love.
In an interview with CBS News, the congressman stated that evil is the root problem and that some even believe they have demonic possession. He said that the U.S. has a “mental crisis.” “Evil people will do evil things,” Burchett suggested that school security guards might be a solution to the problem.
Burchett has served in the House since 2019.
GOP Senator Rick Scott proposed the idea of an “automatic Death Penalty” for school shooters.
“An automatic death penalty should be considered for school shooters. For the insane monsters who enter schools to murder innocent children and educators, life in prison is not enough.” “Pray for those facing the impossible in Nashville.” “This is terrible & must end,” Scott tweeted.