Scientists may one day examine the mental makeup and behavior 21st Century Leftists in order to determine how they got off track. Was it the media or their teachers? Their upbringing? What drugs or medications did they take? Video games? Was it social media? It may be left to future historians and scientists. In the distant future, it’s possible that the History Channel will create a show called Mass Insanity – Inside the Cult Mind of the American Left. It will be a long time. Don’t schedule any viewing. The fact is that the Left’s violence has reached levels that were only imagined by the long-dead Frankfurt School members.

I spoke to you earlier today about Shellyne Rodriquez, a professor at Hunter College, New York City. Click here to see the video and read more about Shellyne Rodriguez’s departure from decorum and reality. In short, Rodriguez was able to find a display of pro-life literature put up by Hunter students earlier this month. She confronted the students using vulgar language, before knocking down their literature.

Reuven Fenton of the New York Post was so intrigued by this story that he called Rodriguez’s Bronx home to find out more. The Post reported that when Fenton introduced himself, Rodriquez didn’t say “no comment.” She said, “Please leave.” Instead, she replied, “Get away from my front door or I will chop you up with a machete!” This was not a sarcastic threat. Fenton was not able to “get the f*ck away” before Rodriguez appeared with a machete and placed it against Fenton’s neck. Rodriguez reiterated, “Get the F-k away from My Door!” if there was ever any doubt. Then she returned to her apartment. Fenton and the photographer left, but Rodriguez wasn’t done. She then followed them down the street, telling them, “If you see me on this block any more f****** times, you will…Get off the block!” Get the f****** out of here!

She chased them down the street, and Fenton was kicked in the shins.

At least she didn’t have a gun. She has one thing going for her.

Rodriguez is now unemployed. Vince DiMiceli is a spokesperson for Hunter College. He told The Post:

Hunter College has condemned Shellyne Rodrguez’s actions and taken immediate action. Rodriguez was relieved from her duties as a Hunter College teacher immediately and will no longer be teaching at the school.

For the time being, this person does not have access to any students. In the near future that may change, and her delusional students will probably be as delusional. Our original question is: what has caused these people to go insane? Is it something about Leftism which makes people go insane? Does it attract people who are narcissistic and immature, or just refuse to accept the reality of life? Leftist leaders may have realized that emotionally and mentally vulnerable people are good foot soldiers who will buy their products. It does not look good for the country.