Photos and videos of Joe Biden stumbling on the steps leading to Air Force One went viral with all the accompanying commentary not long after he was energized and escorted into office. My friend who runs a Christian station was horrified and posted a message on Facebook saying that people should be ashamed for making fun of a man his age. She said, “We’re Better Than That!” I have often thought about pinging back to her and asking, “How do You Like Joe Now?”

She was telling Christians to follow the high road. She sounded like Karen but she was trying to be nice. She did not realize that Joe Biden was a narcissist, opportunistic and self-centered for most of his career, and likely for his entire life. He cared nothing about the suffering he caused or the laws he violated to achieve his goals. Now, his dangerous narcissism can be seen by the entire world. He compromised himself, and the country, when he agreed to follow orders in exchange for the chance to live at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. He thought it was a privilege he was entitled to.

Uncle Joe found the whole thing hilarious when he received a question from the White House PR Department (also known as CNN) about the Title 42 surge being less than expected.

CNN “found” him biking while on vacation. Of course, that vacation could not possibly have been timed to coincide with the expiration of Title 42. No, sir, nothing fishy there. Biden seemed to find it eminently comical that the situation at the border was not as bad as it could have been. Yes, comedy gold! Things are bad, but not that bad! (Insert laugh track here.)

I don’t give a damn what people say. It doesn’t matter if he isn’t fully in control of his faculties. That is still a creepy laugh. He has no intention of crossing the border. The more he doesn’t know about reality, the better for his handlers. He could accidentally tip the Democrats’ hand.

The processing centers at the border are over capacity, despite the humor and optimism of Resident Biden. The court dates for some illegals are more than a decade out. We don’t know where any of these illegals will end up because they haven’t been checked for infectious diseases, criminal records, or terrorist histories. The cartels are already planning their next move.

Joe, have some fun!