When Democrats have failed to achieve their goals at the ballot box they often turn to the courts or Democrat Presidents use executive order. It is the same with the “Green New Deal”. If Democrats get their way, all of us will be driving electric vehicles and using electric stoves whether we like it or not. Republicans may be able to stop President Joe Biden from doing what Democrats want him to do. That is, declaring a “national climate emergency,” thus enabling him to invoke emergency powers allowed by the National Emergencies Act, the Disaster Relief and Emergencies Act, and the Public Health Service.

The “Real Emergencies Act” prevents Biden from using emergency powers to deal with the Democrats’ perceived catastrophe of climate change. It would give it national emergency status while ignoring other issues that Americans face that could turn into actual emergencies such as persistent inflation and rising energy costs. On Monday, Rep. August Pfluger and Sen. Shelley Moore Capito introduced legislation that would limit Biden’s emergency powers. Pfluger said the following about the bill:

I’m proud to introduce the Real Emergencies Act with Senator Capito. This act will stop the White House from focusing on real crises, such as skyrocketing energy prices and inflation. Our legislation will ensure that President Biden doesn’t abuse his power to push his anti-American agenda on energy against the wishes of the American people.

Joe Biden, then a candidate in 2019, embraced the pearl-clutching climate change. In 2021, after Biden was elected, Democrats did not hide their desire for an end-run around Congress. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said that if Biden declared a climate crisis, he would be able to “do many, much things under the emergency power of the president that would not have to go through – that he can do without legislation.”

Capito, echoing Pfluger, criticized Democrats for their desire to inflate the federal government through executive orders.

The Biden administration has governed with executive overreach in the past when it comes to energy and environmental regulations. They have ignored the law, and done so without Congress’s approval. The “Real Emergencies Act” ensures that the president can’t go further in declaring a state of emergency to increase executive power and government size, all for the sake of climate change.

The Biden administration spends millions of taxpayer dollars when it does not try to work around Congress in order to achieve its climate agenda. The administration announced last week that it would spend $1 billion to upgrade federal buildings with green technologies such as heat pumps, solar panels, and other green technology. The funds will come from Inflation Reduction Act. Initially, 100 federal buildings will be powered by electricity and 28 will emit zero emissions. General Services Administration hopes that private entities will invest when they see the government becoming more environmentally friendly.

Biden may soon be restricted in his ability to issue green orders. The administration proposed in April new regulations to make 67 percent of all new cars, including sedans, crossovers and SUVs, light trucks, and vocational vehicles. It also included 35 percent for new short-haul cargo tractors and 25 percent for new long-haul tractors. According to a JD Power study, less than 25% of Americans intend to buy an electric vehicle as their next car.

The Democrats’ definition of an emergency is vastly different from that of the American public.