The news was shocking beyond measure: a man went on a stabbing spree at a playground in the French city of Annecy last Thursday, stabbing four three-year-olds and an adult. The attacker shouted “In the name of Jesus Christ” as he did his stabbing and claimed to be a Christian. He even had a made-to-order Christian name: Abdelmasih Hanoun; “Abdelmasih” means “Slave of Christ.”

The whole thing was a bit suspicious and contrived but it seemed to confirm what the Leftist elites had been saying, that the biggest terror threat is from right-wing Christians. One thing was wrong: Some people recognized Abdelmasih and said that he’s actually a Muslim. You know what, I’m sure you can knock me down with a feather.

Resistance Republicaine, a French-language website, reported on Monday that “Syrians in France and Germany,” who have identified the attacker as “a madman of Allah,” had confirmed the identification by others. According to those who recognized him, the attacker is actually a Muslim called Selwan Majd. He’s a “refugee from Al-Hasakah, in northern Syria.”

He “traveled with false documents to Turkey” and “met a Swedish tour guide and made her think he was a Muslim who had converted to Christianity.” Then, “he fell in love with or at least fell in love with something,” and Turkey wasn’t a place he wanted to stay in when beautiful, big Europe was calling.

Majd and his Swedish wife made their way to Sweden where Majd wed her, using the name Abdelmasih Hanoun, while claiming to be Christian. The Swedish authorities, with good reason, refused to grant him citizenship. Later, his Swedish spouse left him and he moved to France. He sought help at a local church but was also turned down.

Resistance Republicaine notes, too, that many refugees have provided European authorities with a lot of false information. It’s true. It was discovered in Sweden that 5460 out of 7,000 Afghani “child migrants” actually were adults. More than 2,000 adult migrants in Britain have been caught faking their age to appear as children. Many migrants claimed to be Christian in the hope that it would improve their asylum claim. In 2021 in Britain also, Enzo Almeni who converted to Christianity in order to obtain asylum, returned to Islam to become a suicide bomber.

If those who claim to have identified Selwan Majd were correct, this would explain the oddities of the case. It seemed from the start that the case was not a case of Christian terrorists, but rather a Muslim’s perception of a Christian. It was obvious that the attacker’s scream “In the Name of Jesus Christ” aimed to parallel the jihadis’ omnipresent scream “Allahu Akbar.” However, when has a Christian anywhere committed violent acts while shouting this phrase? The phrase was too slick, implying not so much that a Christian terrorist existed as that someone wanted to be seen as one.

Abdelmasih was also a Christian name used by the attacker. It was almost too obvious as if it was meant to alert people that this person was Christian. In the pauses in between attacks, he pointed at a cross that he wore around his neck as if to draw attention. Try to recall another example of a Christian wearing a cross and pointing at a cross as he stabbed people. It is a fact that this has never happened. However, Muslims scream about Allah and stab people all the time.

If this report is true, we don’t understand why Selwan Majd chose to pretend to be a Christian in order to stab children at random. It’s possible that he was disappointed and angry at the fact that his ruse as a Christian failed to get him asylum in Sweden or France. Maybe this was the plan from the beginning: Muhammad, a prophet of Islam, said that “War is deceit”. (Bukhari, 4.52.268).

We may not know the whole story, though, as it was no longer a case of Christian terror. Another Muslim immigrant is stabbing random Europeans? This is not news. It’s a feature of the brave new multicultural Europe.