Joe Biden’s handlers are probably the most underpaid and overworked group of people in American history, given the amount of work they have to do in order to cover up for his gaffes, flubs and stumbles, awkward moments, and incoherent incidents.
Unfortunately, they have not been spared this week.
Biden, as we reported previously, gave a speech about his administration’s efforts to increase access to mental healthcare. Biden, as he does so often, veered from his original topic during his remarks. He rambled about a question that he is allegedly asked, “Why do Americans seem to have lost faith in being able — being able to do big things for a time.”
Biden said that he’s often asked, “If you had the power to do anything, Joe, what would it be?” His answer is “I’d cure Cancer.”
Biden announced moments later that “we have ended cancer as we know it.”
Joe Biden: I said I’d cure cancer they looked at me like, why cancer? Because we can. We ended cancer as we know it.
Fact-Check: Joe Biden has not cured cancer
— Media Research Center (@theMRC) July 25, 2023
The official White House transcript changed his words so that he said something else (bold emphasis added by myself):
One of the questions I am always asked is why Americans seem to have lost their faith in being able — and being able — to achieve big things.
When asked, “If you could cure anything, Joe, what would it be?” I replied, “I’d cure cancer.” They looked at me and said, “Why cancer?” because no one believes we can. That’s why. We can. We can eradicate cancer.
This is the screen grab in case it changes again.
The official White House transcript changed Biden’s words to cover up his gaffe when he said “we ended cancer”
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) July 26, 2023
It is not the first instance that the Biden White House has tried to conceal evidence of Biden’s embarrassment in official transcripts. Many instances have occurred, including a five-month-old incident where the White House inserted “Laughter” into the transcript to make it seem like the Coast Guard Graduates he was speaking with were laughing about a joke that many outsiders found offensive.
Where exactly was the laughter?
— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) May 19, 2021
Biden has made claims about cancer before that didn’t pass the smell test.
FLASHBACK: A year ago, Biden claimed that his mother using windshield wipers to “get literally the oil slick off the window” is “why [he] and so damn many other people have cancer.”
— (@townhallcom) July 25, 2023
We reported that, despite his handlers’ (and media apologists, of course) attempts to say “everything was fine” in the wake of the claim, this, too, failed to stand scrutiny.
As a caregiver to a loved one who has battled cancer (my mother), I cannot express how offensive it is when politicians use the cancer card as if they had all the answers for curing cancer and other horrible diseases and medical conditions. As do most people, i hope that cures will be found for cancer sooner rather than later. But as my colleague Bonchie noted, it’s not Joe Biden that should be credited when that happens.