Joe Biden is fond of promoting equal pay. However, his White House pays female employees on average less than male employees. The evil Patriarchy seems to be alive and well on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

The Daily Signal published a report on White House statistics analyzed by Mark Perry. Perry is an economist who was formerly a senior fellow emeritus of the American Enterprise Institute. Joe Biden may be calling for equal pay, but his White House doesn’t live up to its own standards.

According to White House data, the median salary of men at the White House in 2023 will be $105,000. The median salary of women is $84,000. According to a White House blog commemorating the 60th Anniversary of the Equal Pay Act, in June, women earned 83 cents per dollar that men made in 2022.

Perry says that the 20% pay gap at the White House can be attributed to the fact that there are more female employees in entry-level jobs, which tend to pay less than senior positions. According to Perry, the top third of White House employees are 63.9% men and earn between $168,000-$183,000. The bottom two-thirds of the staff are 65.7% women and earn between $51,500-$55,000.

It is important to note, putting aside the White House, that wage gaps between men and women do not necessarily indicate sexism. Women are more likely than men to take time off, for example for maternity leave or sickness leave. (Though this may be changing now). As noted above, women in the White House are more likely to be employed at entry-level jobs than higher-paying ones. This is a situation that occurs everywhere, depending on who applies for and is qualified for a position. This report is bad for Biden because he loves to lecture other people about how they should hire more women and pay them equally. It’s do as I say, not as I do.

Perry also made the same observation in The Daily Signal. He said: “It is hypocritical that the White House lectures the nation about the gender wage gap, which has been around 17% in recent years at the national level, and that it promotes the false narrative claiming that all gender differences in median wages are the result of discrimination against females in the workplace, without ever taking into account the dozens of factors that explain and contribute to the difference between median salaries for men and women.”

It’s not the first time that the Biden administration is being called out for its “pay gap” hypocrisy. Nor is he the sole Democrat president to have a wage gap between the sexes. In 2021, my co-worker said that the pay gap between men and women at the Biden White House had been even greater than under President Barack Obama. Obama and Biden are both proud to proclaim their supposed commitment to women’s rights.

Perry went on to explain the “pay gap”, saying, “My analysis shows that men and women are paid equally when they work side-by-side at the White House doing the same job. But you can still see an overall gender earning gap comparing median salary that has nothing whatsoever to do with discrimination. It can be explained by a multitude of factors, such as hours worked, years of experience, type of job performed, relative safety or danger of the job, education, motherhood/marriage, family considerations, travel time, commute, more women

The Biden White House is using misleading data to tell other employers that there is a “gender wage gap” – as if we did not already know this. Joe Biden is nothing more than a hypocrite.