Carlos Santana, a rock legend, is one of the best guitarists of all time. You’d think that being Latino would give him some extra protection from the online culture mob. But, alas, that’s all forgotten when you make a scientifically correct statement about transgenders that bursts the LGBTQ community’s delusion bubble.

According to Breitbart, Santana is being branded as “anti-transgender,” because he said the biological truth, “a woman is a woman and a male is a man,” during one of his performances in New Jersey. Would you have ever thought that this statement would be not only controversial but also get someone labeled as a bigot? Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve dived headfirst into the madness.

Transgenderism is the new holy cow of the left. Homosexual rights were the cry of the radical progressives for many decades. After they achieved their goal with the Obergefell ruling — same-sex marriage legalized — they did just that.

Whatever that means.

The famous guitarist said, “God made you and I, before we were born, and you know what you are.” Mic drop.

He said, “Whatever you want to do in your closet is up to you.” This guy has a steely spine. Not only am I a fan of the man now, I love him even more.

Santana said during the concert: “I’m like this with Dave Chappelle, my brother.” ”

The mainstream media propagandists are now yelling and shrieking, calling Santana an anti-transgender. They have also twisted his words so that it sounds like he is trying to keep transgender people “in the closet”. ”

Santana released a statement Thursday in response to the backlash that he has received following his comments earlier this week.

My personal goal is to respect and honor all people’s beliefs and ideals, whether they are LGBTQ.

Santana’s not the only rocker to have made statements recently against radical gender ideologies. Alice Cooper, the famous shock rocker, said in a recent radio interview that the obsession of the current generation with transgenderism and wokeness is a “fad,” which has gotten so out-of-control that it is “laughable.”

These men are right in their assessment that the current movement is a socially contagious one. Children see the influence of their favorite celebrities, musicians, teachers, and online influencers. They want to be like this new cool crowd.

We need to speak up and act.