Other than Hillary Clinton, Biden’s Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm is the most smugly arrogant political hack in the country. And, yes — I’m aware that the Democrat bench in that department is deep.

In April, Granholm testified under oath to Congress that she did not own any stocks. Granholm later admitted to lying under oath in a letter she sent to legislators in June.

Nancy Pelosi was not available to comment.

Here’s more:

Granholm sold all of her stocks in 2021. However, in a letter sent to the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee’s leadership, she admitted that she still held shares in six companies valued at up to $120,000. Granholm, however, testified on April 20 in response to Sen. Josh Hawley’s question, R-Mo. that she had already sold all her individual company shares.

Granholm also said that she found out on May 13 her husband Daniel Mulhern had shares worth $2,457.89 in Ford Motor Company. These shares were sold at the opening of the stock exchange on Monday, May 15, 2015.

Oops – or deliberate deception. C’mon, I mean. “Discovered?”

Granholm, in her letter mentioned above, spewed predictable scum that people say after they are caught.

I am a public servant and take my commitment to uphold the highest ethical standards very seriously. I regret that I accidentally omitted the interest of my wife in Ford. This is an obligation I have made to you, President Obama, and the American people.

Uh-huh. Nancy Pelosi again was unavailable to comment.

Claudia Tenney of New York, a Republican Representative from New York, is one who doesn’t buy Granholm’s mea-culpa. She called on Congress to open an impeachment investigation into Granholm’s false testimony regarding her family’s stock ownership.

Since she took office in January 2021, Secretary Granholm violated the Hatch Act numerous times. She had Proterra shares while President Biden promoted the company. She and her husband both owned Ford shares while she promoted their work using official resources.

Did I mention Nancy Pelosi is unavailable to comment?

Tenney continued to tear Granholm apart — and he did so correctly.

She lied under oath to Congress by claiming she didn’t own individual stocks when she actually did. The articles I submitted to the record are all you [Congress] will need if anyone wants to dispute these allegations.

Tenney accused Granholm of “ignorance of the rules” and “lying to Congress under oath.” The congresswoman also cited the Department of Energy ethics guidelines which stated that in “public service as a public trust, employees must put loyalty to the Constitution and laws and ethical principles over private gain.”

Okay, I’ll stop with the Pelosi references, but yeah.

Tenney asked a perfectly logical follow-up question

That’s perjury, period. Why don’t you resign, or why not have an impeachment investigation into your perjury charge?

Joe Biden declined to comment on this question.


The American Democrat Party is the only political party that embraces the philosophy “Good for Me, But Not for You” with such arrogance.

Joe Biden is enmeshed in the Biden family business scandal, and if Donald Trump did anything remotely close, think of the outrage on the left.

They don’t care if you like or dislike it.