Firearms Policy Coalition represented the plaintiff. The advocacy group is proud of its many victories and prides itself in using copious amounts of paper and ink to print so many lawsuits.
In our Mock v. Garland ATF Pistol Brace Rule Lawsuit, the District Court has issued a Preliminary Injunction that is identical to the emergency injunction issued by the Fifth Circuit.
— Firearms Policy Coalition (@gunpolicy) October 3, 2023
This is a great explanation of the function of a pistol brace:
The FPC is fighting against the Federal Government and state governments to protect our Second Amendment rights. There are currently dozens of court cases pending, from California’s “assault weapon” ban to California’s handgun list.
The left has shown their ignorance about the Second Amendment more and more in recent years. Law-abiding gun owners are the ones that pay for criminal acts committed by a few.
The Second Amendment was not about hunting or sport shooting. It was about the God-given rights of individuals to possess and carry weapons of warfare to protect themselves and their property from a government that is tyrannical.
The left is not going to stop fighting for guns.
I’ve spoken with several legal experts and Second Amendment experts who agree that SCOTUS is likely to take up California’s “assault weapon” ban and the state’s illegal gun list.
Californians have been unhappy with the Golden State’s safe handgun list since 2001. Manufacturers were required to send five different models of a gun to the State for testing. They never received the results. If they did not, they were banned from selling the guns.
Americans across the nation, especially in California, eagerly await the next step. In particular, we are anticipating SCOTUS hearing the case that I mentioned. Seeing the left’s meltdown after we win will be a great gift.