We do not live in a post-racial America. Racism in all its forms exists, but racism against whites is tolerated if not even celebrated by the mainstream and corporate cultures.

This is evident everywhere. The corporate media is full of jokes about white people which, if they were made about black people, could cause a wave of complaints or cancellation attempts.

In 2024, you’ll see this to a large degree reinforced with the release of an upcoming film in March entitled “The American Society of Magical Negros.”

You should watch the trailer to see how far Hollywood has gone in allowing blatant racism to be tolerated.

This trailer may be misleading, and its ultimate message will be to treat everyone equally, regardless of their skin color. However, as you can tell from the trailer, it contains a lot of demeaning remarks about white people.

According to the synopsis, the entire premise is that white people become dangerous when they are angry or agitated, particularly black people. This secret society exists to keep white people happy.

The American Society of Magical Negroes, a satirical comedy, is about Aren, a young boy who is recruited to join a secret group of magical Blacks who devote their lives towards a cause of paramount importance: making the lives of white people easier.

The line says that white people are the “most dangerous animal.” Even a device called “white tears” that measures happiness in white people is shown.

David Alan Grier’s character says, “White people being uncomfortable is a precursor to a lot of bad things for us.” “That’s the reason we fight against white discomfort every single day. We are safer if they are happier.

In an interview with Black Entertainment Television, Kobi Libii stated that the film was inspired by helpful black characters found in films about white people. He said that he is writing “from the perspective of what it’s like growing up as a Black in this culture, and some of those wild and fantastical ways we have to do to survive.” “To me, that is the origin story of this film.”

Libii isn’t concerned if the audience doesn’t understand what he wants to say.

It’s not difficult to obtain. Libii had all the makings of a funny movie, but the spite against white people is so obvious that it loses its comedic appeal and looks petty. It’s a blatant act of racism towards white people. While corporate tastemakers and mainstream audiences might find it acceptable, everyone else finds this abhorrent.

The proof is already in the pudding. The film has already been met with some harsh criticism. The trailer is sitting at 4.6k to a whopping 62,000 likes on YouTube, and the comments aren’t much better. Others funnily mock the film, while others aim at its obvious racism and hamfisted message.

The film will not be a big hit in theaters when it comes out, but it will get a Rotten Tomatoes rating of 100% since corporate media critics have never seen a movie that they did not like.

Do you know what to ask yourself? What do you think the same critics would have said about the movie if the races were reversed?