Organ Pipe National Monument in Arizona is a dusty, remote strip of nothing. Recently, however, it has become a popular destination for illegal immigrants as they play the border patrol like a fiddle.

It only takes a few hundred illegals for border officials to show up and “process” them.

“Processing” is a gross exaggeration. It is insulting to suggest that a vetting process that takes only a few moments and gives the illegal a slip with a court date written on it “processes” immigrants.

There will be thousands of illegals shortly waiting for their slip of paper with the court date before heading to the interior. No facilities are available. There are no facilities. No food or water is available, but enterprising Mexicans bring tamales and fresh water to those who are waiting for their processing.

“I have been working on this side of the border for nearly 20 years and we’ve seen nothing like this,” said Dan Abbott. A local volunteer, Dan works with Humane Borders to distribute water and food in the Organ Pipe National Monument.

This particular migration is unique because many of the new arrivals come from countries other than Mexico and Central America. CBS News reported that “men hailed primarily from African nations, such as Guinea, Mauritania and Morocco, as well some Asian countries like Bangladesh, India and Nepal.”

The chaos and shocking scenes in the Arizona desert at the outdoor staging areas illustrate the humanitarian crisis on the southern border where more migrants are arriving from more countries and in greater numbers than in U.S. History.

Border Patrol arrested more than 2,000,000 illegal migrants in fiscal 2023, the second-highest number ever. Illegal border crossings are up this month, defying seasonal patterns. CBS News obtained internal government data that shows Border Patrol processed nearly 10,000 migrants every 24 hours over the past few days. This is up from the average of 6,000 migrants per day in October.

It is estimated that 3.3 million illegal immigrants enter the United States each year.

Biden would rather the problem go away. No politician would want 3 million immigrants in a year, no matter how much he may support illegal immigration. This is national suicide, and Biden realizes that if he does not find a solution to the crisis at the border, his party and he could suffer devastating losses in 2024.

He did not want to tie Ukraine’s funding to a border bill. He has no other choice, given the stakes involved in continuing to let the border boil over.

Asylum in the United States is not granted for economic misfortune or a desire to be reunited with family. Instead, asylum can only go to those who are fleeing persecution because of their race, religion, or political beliefs.

In recent years, the U.S. Asylum system has been used as a way for migrants to remain and work in America regardless of whether their claims are valid or not. The federal immigration court system has been crippled by a growing backlog of approximately 3 million cases.

Federal statistics indicate that most migrants aren’t screened for asylum along the southern border, as the government lacks the resources, such as asylum officers and holding facilities, to interview asylum seekers under the expedited removal process. Most of those not deported have court cases that can take many years to finish.

Recent NBC News polls found that Democrats were losing ground on border security and immigration. Biden could not let this issue fester because the Democrats in Congress would not let him. Biden has the only tourniquet that can stop the bleeding.