After a man in Vietnam discovered the cause of his pounding headache, he was shocked to find out that it was a pair of chopsticks.

According to the New York Post, after the 35-year-old man suffered severe headaches over a period of five months, doctors told him that he was suffering from a pair of chopsticks inside his skull.

A CT scan performed at the hospital on November 25 revealed that the man had suffered from a rare and potentially life-threatening condition caused by the chopsticks which had gone through his nose into his brain.

The Post reported that although the man initially was surprised how chopsticks wound up in his skull, he quickly remembered a fight in which he had been involved five months earlier while out drinking.

According to reports, the patient told doctors that while he couldn’t recall much about the fight, he did remember someone stabbing his face with an unknown item.

The patient is said to be stable and waiting to leave the hospital.