Anti-Israel people are becoming well known, but not for their good behavior. They block highways and airports, target Christmas tree lighting, and terrorize a queue of children waiting to see Santa in the mall. These people are not exactly exemplary. On Monday, they even managed to shout at Alec Baldwin as he passed them and got into a fight. They will annoy anyone on either side of politics and break any rule for their “cause.”
The left is unrestrained and entitled. In the past, the Democrats encouraged protests by the BLM and environmental activists. It’s backfiring on them now, as these people don’t respect the Democrats and will protest them too.
They decided to crash the holiday party in D.C. that was being organized by Mayor Muriel. Her response was a perfect example of Democrats: she appeared unable to deal with them properly and instead said “thanks” to them. Watch what she does in the end.
Democrat Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser thanks the anti-Israel protesters shouting her down… then breaks into song
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) December 19, 2023
Bowser stated, “These are the values of Washington D.C.” “We respect each other.” We stand together and love each other. They continued to shout at her without caring or respecting her values.
Bowser told them, “We want our guests to show respect for the D.C. citizens who are here.” They just kept shouting “People of Palestine” and “Ceasefire Now!” So much for respect. Before these characters arrived, respect was in short supply.
It was hilarious to see the guy signing for the deaf, and also trying to keep up with the anti-Israel group. She asked a rabbi to join her and he did not seem happy. Who could blame her?
Bowser then bursts into song and sings, “This little lamp of mine.” She was singing off-key so it was an attempt to drown out the shouting activists. The other people were not audible. It’s hard to decide what to listen to: the screeching anti-Israel activists or Bowser.
It’s ridiculous. What do they expect Bowser to do to bring about a ceasefire between them?
It was a symbol of the Democrats’ inability to handle situations such as this. When all she says is “thanks” and then breaks out into song, you can see how everything in D.C. has become a mess. This is an ineffective Democrat. She doesn’t even call for security to remove the group, or chastise them for their actions.
When Security won’t remove pro-Hamas protestors, but you’re preeeeeetty sure your singing voice WILL…
— Chris Plante Show (@ChrisPlanteShow) December 19, 2023