HomeLatest NewsBiden's Debut Campaign Ad: Unveiling a Startling Blend of Deception and Awkwardness

Biden’s Debut Campaign Ad: Unveiling a Startling Blend of Deception and Awkwardness

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Joe Biden is asking America to vote for him again as president, even if they didn’t do so the first time. In his first campaign advertisement, he portrays himself as the sole force between us and the dictators who want to destroy America as a nation and impose a dictatorship. This man, who has unrelentingly and indefatigably lied his entire life, is now basing his campaign for 2024 on a huge lie.

It’s getting praise from people who you would expect to. Victor Shi, the youngest Biden delegate to the 2020 DNC, wrote that the Biden campaign had just released their first ad for 2024. It directly called out MAGA Republicans and their attacks on voting rights and democracy. Joe Biden has put democracy on the ballot. It’s so good and how it is done. “Take a moment to watch and share.”

The problem with Shi’s comment is also the problem with both the ad and the Biden reelection campaigns as a group: the claim that “MAGA Republicans” are engaged in “continued assaults on democracy & voter rights” is false. It is a chilling illustration of the Goebbelsian approach of repeatedly repeating a Big Lie until it becomes accepted as truth by the public.

MAGA’s “attacks on voting rights & democracy” are a questioning of the integrity of the presidential election in 2020. The Democrats have always questioned the legitimacy of Republican presidential elections, which is a patriotic and necessary act. But when it’s the other way around, the leftists suddenly attack “our democracy,” the phrase they use to describe their hegemony. There is also the “insurrection” of Jan. 6, but this narrative has been shattered by footage that undermines the Democrats’ claim we were about to become a dictatorship due to a guy walking around with Viking-style horns in the Capitol.

The ad for Old Joe is dominated by ominous music, and the still images of MAGA-hatted ‘insurrectionists’ are frightening. Biden adds unwittingly to the dark feeling of the presentation as he races and slurs through his remarks. The published version is likely to be the result of many takes and careful editing. It’s not surprising that the corruptor in Oval Office sounds like an insane auctioneer when he rushes through saying “I have made the preservation of American democracy the main issue of my presidency.” I believe in fair and free elections, and that you should be able to cast your vote and have it counted.

Another problem is that he does not believe in democracy, at least if it means allowing loyal opposition members to function without harassment and persecution from those in charge. The Biden administration has not hidden its authoritarian tendencies. It attempted to create a Disinformation Governance Board, which would have policed speech dissidents from the perspective of the leftist establishment. It spied on angry parents who protested at school board meetings against race-hate propaganda being forced upon children in primary schools.

Biden regime operatives used Twitter and other social media giants to de-platform and silence people who held opposing views. Department of Homeland Security created a series of videos encouraging Americans to spy on their patriotic, pro-life neighbors and friends. The regime sent spies to Catholic churches.

Now this evil authoritarian puppet is trying to make us believe that he’s our strong bulwark of freedom, fighting against forces of totalitarian rule. He and his henchmen, in reality, are the forces of totalitarian rule. Trump has been calling this naked emperor out for quite some years, saying that Biden is “the real danger to democracy.” In December, he added: “Can’t you believe it?” You know, this is their latest line. We’re back at it again — “Russia, Russia, Russia”, “Mueller, Mueller, Mueller”, and now, ‘Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine’. No, I am not a danger. I will save the democracy. Crooked Joe Biden is the threat. It’s a joke. “We call it the hoax about the threat to democracy because that is what it is.”

When he is right, he is right. Biden’s ad campaign is a cynical attempt to deceive Americans, and a tacit acknowledgment that he doesn’t have anything positive to run on. All he can do is engage in demagogic fears and lies. Expect more.

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