I am convinced that 2024 will be the year when we retake our nation. The rock that the pinko wigglers of uniparty hide under is slowly shifting. The globalist elite will be exposed as the naked vampires that they are.

The stench you’ve smelled lately is Democrat desperation. The Fourth Reich has fallen into a downward spiral, and the undead are playing every trick they can in order to survive.

The Biden family is one of the most serious problems that the bloodsuckers face. Everyone except your lavender-haired degender-in law believes that the Bidens aren’t bribing foreigners with foreign cabbage. If the Bidens are defeated, all the slugs panic.

The Pravda Press shamelessly published a fable that the Trump family had received “payments” of $7.8million from 20 nations. All the usual Stalinista media outlets jumped in and spread the media scum to their fleeting readership.

In this article, NBC uses the word payment nine times. It is trying to conceal that these payments are just people paying for their tabs in Trump-owned hotels.

They have no hotels. The Bidens have no products or services except for access to Joe Biden. The Biden family bribery rings are no longer hidden by the Left, and Trump is once again accused of being involved.

The clowns who scream “Trump received payments from a lot of countries” “forgot” to mention that Trump gave the money to the U.S. Treasury.

Another Democrat Hail Mary passes goes down like Hindenburg.

The Democrats are really hurting themselves because the more they attack Trump and his tatterdemalions with false accusations, the more swing voters — Hispanics, Blacks, and Younger voters — wake up.

The billionaire pedo group

As the Epstein documents come out, I would like to share some information about the Pritzker Family.

My brakes work perfectly and I’m not at all suicidal!

We need to talk about four Pritzers. All four are billionaires.

Tom Pritzker is an Epstein accuser who claims that she was forced into having sex with Epstein.

Tom’s cousin is J.B. Pritzker – the Governor of Illinois.

Jennifer Pritzker is a philanthropist and one of only two billionaires who are openly transgender in the world.

Penny Pritzker was appointed by Biden as the U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine’s Economic Recovery. She is a Harvard Fellow and was largely responsible in choosing Claudine gay, the now-humiliated ex-president of Harvard.

The Pritzker billionaires donated a staggering amount of money to the “gender affirming” care system and bail reform. These are two Marxist ideologies that plague our nation.

Check out this nugget from the New York Post:

Penny, who is 63 years old, served as co-chair of the presidential campaign of Barack Obama and then became his secretary at the Department of Commerce. Penny, who was 63, served on the board for Superior Bank which the Pritzkers purchased with $460,000,000 in federal tax credits. Later, the bank collapsed as it was one of first to deal in subprime loans.

Epstein’s A-list of perverts includes the billionaire Pritzker family, but they’re not the only billionaire corps d’elite.

Many fancy people will lose their jobs if the Biden Family comes to light. These Epstein docs are also beginning to damage the brand. It’s time for Joe Biden to be pumped full of Adderal, baby blood and other drugs and confront the mobs.

Gropey Joe will give another “The MAGA Peeps Are Evil” speech at Valley Forge, of all places. Rumors say he was going to give the speech on January 6 but the weather forecast called for snow and the old Bolshevik couldn’t risk getting sick.

Bohemian Grove’s crew is a bunch of stinking, childish, naive people. Our normie neighbors, who are now waking up, have the biggest fear.

Hunter Biden’s sale of $500,000 paintings to anonymous buyers is the epitome of “Shut up little man”. The rich, sneering Elite hate us. They don’t try to hide it.

The Klaus Schwab kriegsmaschine is always ready to come up with something insane and terrifying when things are bad. Maybe a pandemic, or a timely invasion by little green men.

I would not be surprised if Biden and his billionaire bozos and the military-industrial system pushed us into WWIII in order to maintain power.

A war has never caused a president to lose his reelection.

You can expect the Mau-Maus will play their old classics in an effort to remain in power. Songs like “white supremacy”, “racism”, “January 6” and my personal favorite “Trump’s going to end democracy” are all likely to be played. If all of these fail, then their desperation could become deadly.

The frightened commie globalists will break the emergency glass to go to war, for no other reason but to keep Trump from the White House. The trans-pushing undead, privileged pedos, will do anything to stay in power and to enslave We the People. This includes sending your children or grandchildren to be burned in a tank in a distant battle field, all for the sake of the betterment and safety of the world.

I could not be happier that the uniparty has started to sweat like Bill Clinton in a beauty pageant for children. Lefty media is now seen as nothing but lapdogs of the scunge confederacy that currently holds power. People see through the bulls**t accusations against Trump. We can see everything. Washington, D.C., the outhouse, is being kicked over, we can see that our elected officials are in a panic. I’m fine. It’s their end as they know it.

Let’s now lighten up. Jokes and a Point knows how to make us laugh while they expose the Democrat codswallop. Guffawing about all that Marxists hold dear is what makes them wet their nonbinary underwear.