Joe Biden is having a hard time selecting nominees, especially for federal court positions.
He does not seem to be concerned about the quality of a nominee, but whether or not they fit into the political narrative the Democrats want to promote.
John Kennedy (R) has done a great job of pointing this out. During multiple hearings of the Judiciary Committee, he has exposed nominees.
There’s some good news. Joe Biden withdrew one of his nominees to the Spokane County Superior Court, Judge Charnelle Bjelkengren. This was because Kennedy had decimated Charnelle during her questioning. Her nomination expires at the end of 2023 and her name wasn’t among the 18 nominees that the White House resubmitted for consideration to the Senate.
Bjelkengren, Holland, and Reuters both confirmed in emails that they had requested the White House not to resubmit the names of their respective candidates to the Democratically-led Senate.
Bjelkengren had sparked Republican opposition when she was unable to answer questions about the Constitution posed by Louisiana Senator John Kennedy during a Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing in January 2023.
Bjelkengren stated, “I requested the President to not renominate me because of the uncertainty surrounding my confirmation and to help advance the important work that the federal judiciary does.” “I hope that the next nominee will be confirmed quickly.”
Kennedy’s victory lap was well-deserved, and it is clear how clueless his nominee was.
Pres. Biden sent us a nominee who didn’t know the basics of the U.S. Constitution.
Judge Bjelkengren is right to bow out, but Pres. Biden just keeps trying to put unqualified people on the bench—for life.
People who don’t know the law have no business running our courtrooms.
— John Kennedy (@SenJohnKennedy) January 10, 2024
Kennedy claimed that Biden had “sent us a candidate who did not know the basics of the U.S. Constitution.”
She had been asked basic questions by him about Article 5 and Article 2 in the Constitution, but she didn’t know, saying that they “didn’t come to mind.” She could not even make a guess. You are a federal court judge who is going to Kennedy and the Senate. How do you not have the answer?
He said that while she was “right” to leave, the real problem is “that Joe Biden keeps trying to place unqualified people in the benches for life.”
He declared that “people who don’t understand the law should not be running our courts.”
He’s right. He deserves credit for his efforts. We need to vote Biden off the Senate so that he won’t be forced to deal with this problem.
They’ve seen & heard him question nominees – and yet they STILL don’t come prepared to answer the sorts of questions he’s gonna ask.
— Reine (@ReineDeTout) January 11, 2024
Judges take an oath to “…faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as ___ under the Constitution and laws of the United States. So help me God.”
How the hell can you keep that oath if you don’t know what’s in the Constitution?!
— Mili (@MILI14) January 11, 2024