On Sunday, a member of the U.S. Air Force lit himself on fire in front of the Israeli Embassy in Washington. Karol Markowicz reported that the man was Aaron Bushnell and claimed to have been protesting against the “genocide”, which is taking place in Gaza.

Still images of the video taken during the dramatic scene have been released.

Warning: Please use discretion when viewing.

Bushnell declared that he was “no longer complicit in genocide”, after he set himself ablaze, fell to the floor, and screamed in pain. The USAF does not have any operations underway in Gaza.

One policeman was armed with a pistol when they arrived. The man was then treated with fire extinguishers. According to the latest reports, he is still alive in the hospital and has life-threatening injuries.

Bushnell’s act was not intended to achieve anything. There’s a psychological problem behind this act since no one who is normally functioning would set themselves ablaze. Having said that, his protest is illogical. Israel did not start the Gaza war. Hamas was the cause of the war in Gaza.

Hamas has to surrender or be defeated if the war is going to end. The terrorist government is responsible for the consequences of hostilities. They invaded Israel and murdered over 1,000 people cold-blooded. He should have visited the U.S. Office of Palestinian Affairs rather than the Israeli Embassy.

Moral arguments about the Israel-Hamas conflict remain distorted. All of this ends when the hostages are freed and the Palestinians decide to concentrate on other things than killing Jews. The operation to eliminate the terrorist threat in Gaza continues until that time.