Melania Trump will be making her first campaign appearance in Florida since her mother died in January 2024. Melania Trump will attend a Log Cabin Republicans fundraiser in Florida on April 20th. This event is dedicated to electing Republicans and representing LGBTQ Conservatives.
The Log Cabin Republicans have a proud history of fighting for an inclusive and strong Republican Party. LGBTQ Republicans, along with their straight allies, are working hard to transform the GOP and overcome the forces of exclusion and intolerance.
Jenna Ellis is a former Trump senior legal advisor and an outspoken Christian. She’s among those who don’t like Mrs. Trump being involved in the organization.
Melania’s first campaign fundraiser is a pro-LGBTQ Republican event.
This is an example of something Trump is doing that zero Christians can support.
Even if you vote for him, which of course you should over Biden, Christ followers cannot support this.
— Jenna Ellis (@JennaEllisEsq) April 6, 2024
Mrs. Trump’s involvement with the organization is not sitting well with some, including former Trump senior legal adviser and outspoken Christian Jenna Ellis.
Christians are drawn to Trump by the penultimate Micah 6.8 verse, even though there are many faults in his relationship with God. They also believe that he is lacking humility.
He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.
Trump has shown respect to his followers and their belief system. Christians know Trump is a sinner because they know we’re all sinners. There is a willingness among Christian voters to forgive Trump his shortcomings because while he is not exactly a shining paragon of virtuous living, during his time in office he didn’t actively oppose and legally belittle what Jesus’ followers believe.
Regarding the argument that Christians shouldn’t collaborate with groups whose lifestyles are deemed contrary to God’s directives in Scripture, it’s important to ask: so what? The government and even Christians themselves cannot legislate morality. Complete isolation from the world, unless one is called to be a cloistered monk or nun, is not the Christian mandate. Christians are called to be witnesses and to serve others. Collaborating with others for a common good and purpose does not imply condoning their lifestyles. If Christians withdraw from engaging with people, who then will serve as a witness to them?
Jesus was just as comfortable eating with publicans and tax collectors as with Pharisees. Does that mean He condoned sin or turned blind? Of course not. Zacchaeus the tax collector told Jesus the following:
“Look, Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount.”
Do you believe Jesus spent his entire meal giving Zacchaeus an endless stream of attaboys? No, not at all.
We must remember, no pun intended, that the Prince of Peace is always a priority. Only we can be the light and truth in a world often devoid of God. Remember that you and I are also sinners, who need God’s daily grace.