Donald Trump has been found guilty of 34 counts of falsifying accounting records.

When the jury was selected on April 15, 2024, for this trial, there was little doubt that Manhattanites would convict Donald Trump. Manhattan voted for Hillary Clinton by a large margin in 2016 and Joe Biden by a similar margin in 2020.

The prosecution was able to keep the GOP candidate for 2024 at bay by dragging the trial out over weeks. It became clear that Merchan, the judge, was their plus-one. Merchan was a firm believer in the confusing Jenga-like theory of the prosecution and did everything he could to support the shaky superstructure. Merchan let the prosecutor testify about facts that were not in evidence during the five-hour closing argument but ruled out testimony from witnesses who could have helped Trump’s case.

The “judicial” system was a disgrace. Lady Justice did not just peer under her blindfold, she gawked.

Trump’s run in 2024 will be too late to correct the reversible mistakes in this case. A Lizzo-sized binder will contain all of them. The Democrats, DNC and DA Alvin Bragg have completed their mission. All they wanted. Trump will win the appeal but he will now be known as Donald Trump “convicted felon”, just as planned by the lawfare-left.

Bragg will not prosecute illegal aliens that beat up police officers, nor men who bash on women’s heads in the street. He also won’t roll up anyone who sets fire to people, but he has achieved his stated goal of getting Trump charged with statutory bookkeeping.

Turley gasped when he heard that the prosecutor had actually stated at one point that Michael Cohen violated federal election laws on the orders of Donald Trump.

Merchan now has instructed the jury that they are not to attribute Cohen’s plea agreement [as a guilt] against Trump. Merchan overruled the defense and allowed the prosecutor repeatedly to state that Trump’s federal election violations are a fact. There is no dispute about that,” said the shocked attorney.

“And Merchan sat right there. He was useless in the courtroom. I kept watching him, hoping to see if he was listening at all,” he explained plaintively. I can’t imagine that a juror would go into deliberations without assuming that the federal election law has been violated in this case, because [the Judge] allowed prosecutors say it so many times.

Merchan’s decision to limit expert testimony in federal election matters is all the more harmful because of this.

Turley claimed that the judge allowed Josh Steinglass, a prosecutor, to “testify”, that former Trump adviser “Hope Hicks” burst into tears when she realized that she had destroyed Donald Trump’s defense. Really? “How do you know?”

During the closing argument the prosecutor stated that this was the first time that the prosecution had used “catch-and-kill” to kill embarrassing stories. Turley stated, “That is not on the record.”

Turley raged, “Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the media enabled her to kill some of the most outrageous hoaxes [during the same campaign]. He noted that “many reporters who were listening to the campaign helped Hillary Clinton do this.” That’s what made today so out of this world.

Turley’s unethical courtroom behavior is evident throughout the trial.

What the Trump team faced is clear.

Let the appeals begin.