According to a New Jersey legislator, taxpayers in his state spend $7 billion per year on illegal aliens. Oh, for the freedom of America…

It was a common myth among immigrants who came legally to America that the streets were paved in gold. The old saying implied that poor people in America could also work their way to prosperity. Illegal aliens are proving to be a reality of the old myth. Taxpayers in one state pay an estimated $7.3 billion per year for foreign lawbreakers. With the Biden border crisis, this cost is likely to increase.

State assemblyman Paul Kanitra released a report about the drain illegal aliens have on New Jersey’s resources on May 7. Kanitra reported that after a two-month research effort, his office team had discovered the cost of illegal immigrants to New Jerseyans.

This is just one state. It’s a state far away from the southern border. No taxpayer money should be spent on migrants who are here illegally, yet billions of dollars is wasted on them as Americans struggle to get by. It’s no surprise that New Jersey’s state government prioritizes illegal immigrants over citizens since Democrats control the entire government. New Jerseyans should remember this at the polls in November.

Kanitra continued its report by stating that New Jersey is estimated to have 892,000 illegal immigrants. The report broke down the costs to each New Jerseyan of supporting these illegals.

This is almost $1,600 per worker in our state.

This is over $2100 per household in New Jersey.

Kanitra said that the estimates in the report were “reasonably conservative” and that costs for illegal aliens in New Jersey are only state and local and do not include any money from the federal government. If federal expenditures are added, taxpayers pay more than $7 billion a year for illegal aliens in New Jersey. It’s obscene.

Kanitra’s Report cites the Federation for American Immigration Reform or FAIR. It states that previous assessments “show a serious imbalance in taxes paid by the illegal aliens and what they receive in government services.” Many illegals accept government handouts while never paying anything back. The tens and thousands of crimes committed by illegal immigrants in America are not even mentioned. This crisis is only getting worse.

Illegals do more than drain federal and state resources; they also actively harm American citizens. New Jersey taxpayers spending more than $7 billion on illegals each year is shocking, but it’s only a fraction of the costs associated with illegal migration.