You may have heard about Lady Maga. He is a drag performer and conservative who is gay. I met Lady Maga, aka Ryan Woods, at the Utah Republican nomination convention in 2022. I’ve been to many of these conventions, and I can say with certainty that Ryan Woods was the most fascinating person I have ever met. This may not mean much, since you would have already met all Utah Republicans if you attended one.

As I was walking into the men’s bathroom, I saw a tall blonde woman looking in the mirror to check her makeup. At first, I thought that I might have wandered into the wrong restroom. After checking the sign, I was relieved to find that I was at the right latrine. However, this did not explain the presence of a woman in a men’s bathroom. After a few seconds of thought, I realized, “Oh, yeah. It’s happening all over the world.” I decided to head back out, assuming he was a protester who had somehow managed to invade the convention.

Lady Maga wasted no time in telling me and everyone else that he didn’t believe he is a woman, that he opposed indoctrinating kids into transgender ideology, and was against men entering women’s spaces. After he left, I felt the reporter inside me kick in and knew I needed to get an interview.

Ryan was on the exhibitor’s floor when I met him. I was trying to think of a way to explain to my spouse that I had been looking for a drag performer I’d seen in the men’s bathroom. He reiterated that he was against children and men participating in drag shows. He opposes the sexualization and abuse of children, and he has no problem calling out the LGBTQ Movement. He clarified that he was a proud gay drag artist. His X profile describes him as a “PATRIOT! Advocate. Proud American. Not your average drag queen.”

As we all know, it is Pride Month and Salt Lake City has hosted many events. I usually don’t visit the city in June, but I knew that Lady Maga/Ryan would be there. Ryan is an outspoken conservative activist who, to my knowledge, has never backed down from a challenge. He was speaking to the attendees about “Queers for Palestine.”

It was shocking to see the young lady’s ignorance. To a certain extent, it is understandable that she didn’t know that homosexuals and lesbians are persecuted in places like Palestine. We all know that people of her age group are heavily indoctrinated and live their lives based on their emotions. This does not bode well for the future or inspire much hope, but that is life. The fact that she thought Israel was a Muslim nation shows a monumental lack of knowledge.

Ryan spoke to the New York Post about his interview:

Woods stated that his role as Lady Maga was not just to support the MAGA Movement and encourage people to vote for President Trump, but also to expose the modern hijacking of the gay movement.

He feels that the movement has lost its way by adopting “humiliatingly idiotic” political issues such as “Queers for Palestine.”

It’s like saying “Slugs like salt” or “Mice like cats.”

You may find it tempting to dismiss Ryan as just a drag performer, but he is an important voice regardless of whether his appearance, sexual orientation, or occupation makes you uncomfortable. His appearance gives him the opportunity to reach places where a conventional conservative might find it challenging to find an audience. He told The Post that “if it were just an ordinary white man wearing a Trump cap walking around, I think people wouldn’t have been as receptive.”

His demeanor is another thing. In the video, you will see that he never appears condescending or angry. He never lost his sense of humor during my interview. Lady Maga is not for everyone, but he brings the message to those who need it.