Fashion Island is an open-air, upscale mall in Newport Beach, CA. It has high-end retail outlets, from Armani, Nieman-Marcus, and Versace. This 57-year-old shopping resort is a magnet for the Hollywood glitterati and the wealthy, as well as people who want to experience the lifestyle of the other half and take in the tranquility and beach weather. This little enclave of sanity, despite the criminal sprees in neighboring counties Los Angeles and San Bernardino, has managed to avoid the lawlessness that is plaguing California.

A botched robbery resulted in a woman’s death on Tuesday.

Police said that a woman aged 69 was killed in a failed robbery at Fashion Island, Newport Beach on Tuesday afternoon.

Around 3:30 p.m., officers responded to an area near Barnes & Noble.

Newport Beach Police Department reports that the woman and husband were walking along when suddenly two suspects approached them.

Police said that they tried to rob a couple, and a fight ensued. The suspects tried to escape in a white Toyota Camry.

Steve Oberon, Newport Beach Police’s Public Information Officer, said that one of the suspects fled while the vehicle fled. He hit the female victim. The male suspect who ran got back in the vehicle, and then some handgun rounds were fired. The vehicle fled.

The initial reports stated that the woman was shot during the robbery. However, these reports have been revised in light of new information provided by law enforcement. Some reports claimed that the woman was dragged behind the suspect vehicle when it took off. The husband of the woman had to watch this horrific act and it was a horrible way to die.

Two suspects have been apprehended as predictable as the sun rising in Los Angeles County.

After a short pursuit, three suspects in total were arrested.

Two suspects were arrested at South Gate and one in Cypress, according to police.

This criminal act brings to light the horrendous horrors Californians continue to suffer because of this brazen, felonious element, which is emboldened only by DAs who are soft on crime, like George Gascon. Also, laws such as Prop 47 that have been watered down, and homelessness, which encourages addictions and reveals violent tendencies, are all a part of the problem.

On Monday night in San Francisco, Corazon Dandan, aged 74 years old, lost her life after a homeless person pushed her into the path of a BART train. These crimes targeted elderly and vulnerable people. These crimes shine a brighter light on the fight by law enforcement and citizens to save California from criminals through Prop. 47. The coalition succeeded in getting this measure on the November ballot, despite California Governor Gavin Newsom trying to stop it. He feared that the ballot measure would undermine what he considered his signature piece of reform for criminal justice.

Newsom’s desperate last act was to try and push his competing initiative through the legislature. This did not do anything for the reform of Prop. In a desperate last act, Newsom tried to push through the legislature his competing initiative that did nothing in the way of reforming Prop. Newsom abandoned the calculated plans he had made for his bigger calculation to ascend to the Oval Office late Tuesday. Californians can now focus on reforming their state without having to worry about his interference.

There is one more bright spot. The robbery and murder of the woman took place in Newport Beach, Orange County. The Mayor of Newport Beach, Todd Spitzer, and the Orange County district attorney do not coddle criminals in any way.

Will O’Neill, the mayor of Newport Beach, slammed the suspects as “creeps” and condemned the “stunning attack”.

He said, “Newport Beach has a great reputation as a community that is safe and we are mourning someone’s loss.” “Frankly to hell with them… These are thugs. This is a problem that affects every community. As a society, we must do better. This is unacceptable.”

O’Neill thanked law enforcement for capturing the three male suspects. However, he added, “None will bring her back.”

This is not the case. The elected officials of Orange County care about their citizens, and they take crime very seriously. This husband will get justice at least for his uncalculated loss.