Senator Elizabeth Warren (D, MA) has once again declared war on the Supreme Court. She is one of the Democrat’s leading advocates of changing the makeup of the court to promote a progressive agenda.

In an interview with CNN’s State of the Union, Warren accused the Supreme Court of actively undermining democracy. The lawmaker said to Jake Tapper, the host of CNN’s “State of the Union,” that she and her colleagues were seeking to limit Supreme Court justices’ terms while adding new judges to the court.

“Here is a man that has been a transformational president.” Warren, referring to Biden, said: “He’s done a lot, but he’s now stepped aside and passed the torch on to Kamala Harris.” Why has he done this? He did it out of patriotism to our nation. He says, “We need a president who is there for the nation who will heal us, bring us together, and change our Supreme Court.”

“Because at the moment, we have a Supreme Court which has jumped over the guardrails and is giving power to the President, saying the President can do whatever he wants. Congress cannot authorize agencies. We have a Supreme Court actively undermining democracy,” she added.

Since the Supreme Court began to rule against their interests, Democrats have called for “reforms”. The rulings that overturned Roe v. Wade and struck down unconstitutional gun control laws as well as the most recent one that granted immunity to former President Donald Trump have all raised eyebrows on the left.

It is important to note that Warren and her colleagues are not pushing for this initiative out of concern for “democracy,” but because they want an independent high court.

Kamala Harris, vice president of the United States, has expressed her support for these court reforms in the past.

A moderator in New Hampshire asked Harris in May 2020 how she felt about the addition of up to four seats on the Supreme Court. She said that she was “open” to the conversation.

Harris expressed a desire for restrictions to be placed on the number of justices that a president may appoint and to stop lifetime appointments to the Court. She suggested that these reforms, as well as others, would restore the Court’s legitimacy to voters.

Harris also indicated two months before that forum that she would be willing to consider a larger Court.

She said: “We’re on the brink of a crisis in confidence at the Supreme Court… We have to face this challenge head-on, and we are prepared to do so.”

Democrats did not, in general, push for term limits or a full court of justices when they held a majority. These calls increased after Trump appointed conservative judges to rule against Democrats’ initiatives.

These people don’t realize that expanding the court to gain a political edge will only lead to an escalation of the situation in the future. Democrats will probably implement safeguards that prevent Republicans from doing the same when they take control of both the legislature and the White House. However, these safeguards could be overcome and create an absurd and dangerous scenario.