Mel Gibson shows his support for an archbishop who is a conservative Catholic and whom the Vatican has just excommunicated.

The Vatican excommunicated Carlo Maria Vigano last Friday after finding him guilty of schism. The conservative leader who was once the Vatican ambassador in the United States is a critic of Pope Francis. Vigano’s ouster was officially attributed to his “refusal of recognition and submission to the Supreme Pontiff”, and, among other things for questioning the “legitimacy” and “magisterial authority” of the Second Vatican Council.

Excommunication in the Catholic Church is a censure that prevents someone from taking part in sacraments such as Communion and also prohibits them from being a member of the Church. The excommunication is intended to promote repentance, and it can be revoked.

Vigano is unlikely to regret his actions.

Vigano, who spoke last month, said: “I consider the accusations made against me an honor.”

Mel Gibson, Hollywood’s superstar, released a letter in support of Vigano after the Catholic Church took punitive measures against him.

Gibson wrote: “I hope you will continue to receive the sacraments and say Mass yourself. It is an honor to be rejected by the false post-conciliar church.” You have my sympathy that you suffer this public injustice. You are a brave hero to me and others.

Gibson praised Vigano’s calling out of the “core issues” in the Catholic Church, and more importantly, according to Gibson, “the illegitimacy Francis.” Gibson is a Catholic who is a “sedevacantist,” or one who believes that the Holy See has a vacant status and that Pope Pius XII died in 1958. Sedevacantists reject the authority granted by the Second Vatican Council.

Gibson compares Vigano with Athanasius in a later letter.

Athanasius, a Christian leader from Egypt in the 4th century, was one of the most prominent Christian leaders. His name is remembered in history as the chief defender against Arianism of the orthodox Christian doctrine. He was repeatedly exiled for his stand on truth.

Gibson says that Vigano’s excommunication should be worn as an “award of honor.”

“You are a modern-day Athanasius! I have all respect for the way you defend Christ and His Church,” Gibson wrote.

LifeSiteNews was the first to report on Gibson’s original letter, and Gibson confirmed that it is genuine.