The United States has been plagued by a large amount of theft, violence, and destruction in recent years. This is largely due to the policies of Democrats, who decided that being tolerant of crime would somehow curb it. Some suggested that social workers be sent instead of police.

Democrats found it amusing to defund the police. The crime spiraled out of control, and even the bluest blue areas like San Francisco demanded their police back.

The left, however, continues to defend criminals in the name of misguided morality, even though crime is rife on the streets of blue-colored cities, and people are crying out for help. They have been brainwashed by the idea that criminals represent an oppressed group, and they’ve lost all sense of society.

Nobody understands this better than criminals who are now committing crimes openly in the daylight. Shoplifters are not afraid of retribution. The law enforcement agencies of certain cities have even declared that thieves can steal up to a dollar amount without fear.



Donald Trump is aware of this and is using it as another reason to remove Democrats from power. He is not wrong but when he spoke about this issue, he offered a solution that has leftists wailing.

As described in a Sunday rally to a large crowd. Trump offered a solution after discussing how criminals operate in such an open manner.

Trump stated that the police were not allowed to perform their duties. They’re told that if they do anything, they’ll lose their pension, and lose their family, house, and car. What’s going on? The liberal left will not let them do that. “The liberal left wants them to be destroyed.”

Trump claimed that it only takes one day of brutal policing to send a message.

It will be over in an instant. He said, “You know, this will be over immediately.”



The left, as expected, jumped on this issue with all the fury and rage of 1,000 screaming upper-middle-class college students.

It’s a shame that Christians would back a man like this.



One person compared the police slapping criminals with Kristallnacht or the night when Jews were massacred in Nazi Germany.



The left continues to call Trump’s suggestion one of the worst things he has ever done.

But is that true? I would argue the most dangerous thing to criminals is to give them the confidence to commit crimes, which will encourage them to do even worse crimes with each crime they get away. It would be a good thing if one day the police made criminals look bad by putting them on trial. This could make others think twice about committing crimes.

However, this would never happen in blue-colored cities. Not until people are so tired of the degrading state of their towns that they agree to Trump.

For some cities, this may be a reality sooner rather than later.