If a Democrat says they’re a “gun owner” or support the Second Amendment they’re lying. How can you tell if someone is lying? When a Democrat declares “I am a gun owner” or “I support Second Amendment”, they always follow it up with a “but”, which negates all that was just said.

Kamala Harris does not make an exception. She doesn’t care much for the Fourth Amendment either, even though she was a former state attorney general. Nevertheless, she is now having to “clarify’ some remarks that were made in 2007.



Jacqui Heinrich, Fox News White House chief correspondent’s X-post:

A Harris campaign aide confirmed to FOX that the Vice President did not suggest searches that would violate 4th Amendment when she suggested in a press conference held in 2007 that police could enter the homes of gun owners to ensure that weapons are properly stored.

She said: “Just because you have a legal gun in your locked house doesn’t mean we won’t walk into it and see if you are being responsible.”

Since Harris’s remarks have resurfaced the NRA Legislative Institute warned that “it is difficult to overstate Harris’s proposal if it were implemented nationally.” About half of American households would be subjected to government intrusion.”



Her campaign now claims, “Oh she didn’t mean it.” For once, I am inclined to believe she meant what she said.

A FOX aide says that Harris did not suggest searches without a valid warrant or probable cause. She was referring to the violations of the new gun storage law she spoke about in 2007.

These “safe storage” statutes are riddled with problems. Kamala Newsom and Gavin Harris lack basic logic. They don’t understand that if someone lives in an increasingly unsafe city in California and decides to have a firearm for protection, they will be forced to lock it up and unload it. And if there is a home invasion or other emergency, then you’ll need the gun immediately. The classic Democrat “but”, “we support your rights to keep a firearm for self-defense – we just do not want you to be able to access it immediately in an emergency” is used.



Here’s the challenge for Harris’ campaign. Since Joe Biden folded up his tent and retired to the lounge chair at Rehoboth Beach to call in his remaining months as president, Kamala Harris keeps repeating, “Oh I’m an owner of a firearm.” OK, then, fine. Let’s check the truthfulness of this claim. In the interests of transparency, the Harris campaign can reveal the model and make of the mythical gun the vice president and his wife own and how it is stored. I won’t believe it until then. Kamala Harris’s statements are a source of doubt. If she told me the sun would rise, I would look out the window.

If you’re concerned about the Second Amendment – or the Fourth Amendment – then there is only one way for you to vote in the presidential election. And it’s not for Kamala Harris.