It’s no accident that “shut up” and “sing” are cliches. Show business people are known for their grandstanding of political issues that they do not know of. You only have to look at the horror on climate change to see this. Not to mention show-business people who rush off to climate conferences with a private jet that spews carbon or a mega-yacht.


It’s always fun to watch when a comment comes back and bites someone. Ellen DeGeneres was the most recent to do so. She made a joke about Donald Trump (the former and it is beginning to look as if he will be the future president) by implying that he was anti-LGBT. Gage Klipper, a Daily Caller commentary and analysis writer, has some thoughts about the topic.


The comedienne shared some standard LGBT agitprop on Tuesday. The picture shows a boy with drag queen make-up and the words “You can’t say you love someone, then vote for someone that will hurt them.” written on his cheek.



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A post shared by Ellen DeGeneres (@ellendegeneres)


To put it bluntly: the replies were brutal. Ellen DeGeneres has a flaw that’s common among show business personalities: the belief that if someone is 1) famous and rich, and 2) a part of a particular identifiable group, they should speak for everyone in that group. Ellen was given a wake-up message by the commenters:


“I’m gay and I’m voting for Trump. Do I hate myself, absolutely not. Messages like these are what spreads hate,” reads the top comment on the post, racking up over 33,000 likes as of Wednesday morning.


“As a lesbian. I had more under Trump. He’s got my vote,” reads another top comment with over 7,000 likes.


Another woman also agreed: “Lesbians for Trump, right here baby!”


Scroll and scroll, and you will never find a comment that supports Ellen’s unhinged stance. One commenter noted, “Vote Trump appears to be a recurring theme here.”


We all know gay people. Vinnie and Mike are two of my wife’s and my friends who have been together for over 20 years. You would not know that they are gay if you met them and had a normal conversation with them. They don’t display their sexuality; they don’t identify themselves based on who they sleep with. They are simply… people. They are just people.



The majority of gay people look like this. They are not pierced-faced nuts with pink or purple hair screaming at a Gay Pride Parade. They live their own lives and keep their private life private, just like many of us. Donald Trump seems to get this, despite Ellen’s remarks. Trump’s outreach to a large crowd on Tuesday showed why he is gaining the support of Democrats.


Trump asked the audience at a Tuesday campaign event, “Where are Gays for Trump?” A group of people off camera responded by cheering.


Trump replied jokingly, “You don’t seem gay,” as the crowd burst into laughter.


Trump views gay Americans the same way he would any other American. They are just people. It’s not necessary to be gay to use divisive tactics, like Ellen, or to normalize the strange fetish practices that Democrats celebrate during Pride Month. You can look and behave like everyone else, and vote based on your interests instead of identity.


Imagine voting on your interests and not sexuality.


Ellen DeGeneres’s social media post was slammed and she can only hope that she learned from the experience. The majority of people do not identify with any particular characteristic. Most people do not feel the need for their sex life to be displayed in public. They also don’t want to hear about anyone else’s sexuality, gay or straight. The majority of people would prefer to be treated as people. Donald Trump appears to understand this. Ellen DeGeneres sure doesn’t.