HomeLatest NewsVince Fong Emerges Victorious in Special Election to Succeed Kevin McCarthy: California...

Vince Fong Emerges Victorious in Special Election to Succeed Kevin McCarthy: California and the Nation Rejoice

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Kevin McCarthy, the former House Speaker who was ousted as speaker of the House in 2010, decided to pack up his toys and head home. Literally. McCarthy resigned as a member of Congress in December. His district and the House Majority were left hanging by a thin thread. McCarthy’s former District Director and current Assemblyman Vince Fong entered the race to fill McCarthy’s seat.

Fong’s website for his campaign:

It is my firm belief that the Central Valley should continue to be represented in Congress by conservative, proven leaders. To bring our community together at this crucial time in the history of our country, and to reflect on recent events, I decided to run for Congress in 2024.

My career has been spent fighting for Central Valley families. I am ready and eager to bring this fight to Washington to deliver tangible results for our community. In Congress, I’ll focus on pressing issues that impact our quality of living. I will protect the Central Valley’s energy and water resources. I will do my best to bring order to the border chaos and approve new measures of border security. I will oppose the new taxes and reckless spending which has caused inflation and a rise in our cost of living.

I am thrilled to be able to share my vision with Central Valley residents and to earn the chance to represent our community at our nation’s capital. I am asking the community to support me, but more importantly for their prayers.

Fong, who was elected to complete McCarthy’s term in Congress, received over 60% of the votes on Tuesday. This is thanks to both McCarthy and Donald Trump, the former president and presumed GOP nominee. People in the Central Valley felt that he deserved this opportunity.

San Joaquin Valley residents chose Vince Fong on Tuesday to replace Kevin McCarthy, the former congressman. McCarthy and Donald Trump had endorsed Fong.

Fong won California’s 20th Congressional District Special Election at 8:17 p.m., beating fellow Republican Mike Boudreaux who was the Tulare County Sheriff.

The special election was held to finish the remaining term of McCarthy, which extends through December. Fong, along with his Republican opponent Tulare County Sheriff Mike Boudreaux are both on the November ballot for full Congressional terms. It is impossible to overstate the importance of making your mark and gaining the advantage of being incumbent in the remaining months. Garcia won a full term in the general election of November 2020 and was re-elected in November 2022 despite his district being carved up into California 27.

I wrote a piece on Tuesday about California Assembly Members who did not even bother to show up for AB2641, legislation that would rescind the sanctuary state policies of illegal pedophile criminals. Fong was in the same election as me, and he showed up to vote.

It is clear what to expect from Fong as a member of the United States House of Representatives. This is also known by the “powers” of California, who are scared. At the request of Attorney General Rob Bonta’s appointee Shirley Weber in January, she attempted to remove Fong as a candidate for the California Assembly. California state law doesn’t prohibit this. It’s a new form of lawfare that Governor Gavin Newsom, his cohorts, and others are using to combat ballot measures and candidates they don’t like. Fong sued and the court ruled for him. The legal precedent set by this case has led to legislation being submitted (by Democrats) that would change the law.

Now, it’s all history. Fong made this statement on Tuesday after early results showed that he had won the seat.

As early results indicate, voters have chosen me overwhelmingly to represent their interests in Washington D.C. I am humbled and grateful.

The real work begins now that the campaign is over. In Congress, I’ll continue to focus on the issues that are important to our community, including securing our border, supporting our small businesses, investing in infrastructure and water storage, and unleashing the energy industry.

It is time to work together and unite to defend our way of living.

Fong, like his former and soon-to-be current colleague Rep. Kevin Kiley CA-03 has done, will change the face of the House in California and across the country.

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