Mazin Mohamedali, former leader of the Black Lives Matter affiliated “racial justice” group the Iowa Freedom Riders, was recently arrested for lying to the police about 19-year-old Quincy Russom who was shot and killed in his apartment on February 12. He is currently being detained in the Johnson County jail and is expected to face trial on those charges on Aug. 21. Sammy Hamed, the shooter, is charged with 1st Degree murder and set for trial on July 17th.

Mohamedali waited some time after Quincy was killed to call 911 and report the crime to the police. Police reports indicate that Mohamedali gave false descriptions of the people involved with the killing and withheld crucial information that would’ve led police to the murderer sooner. He was also recorded confessing to his lies about who committed the murder and how many people were involved in order to keep law enforcement officials from finding out where the guns were coming from. He also deleted his call history and Snapchat app following the shooting.

After law enforcement officials executed a search warrant and raided his apartment, they found 56.13 grams of marijuana and 42.5 ecstasy pills, along with a digital scale with marijuana residue on it. He is also facing two counts of controlled substance violation and failure to affix a drug stamp, as well as one count of keeping a drug house.

Mohamedali was also arrested in June 2020 after leading a Black Lives Matter protest in Iowa City where rioters tore down a $5,000 fence that was protecting the Old Capitol Museum from damage. According to the police reporters, demonstrators were seen climbing on the structure behind the fence and kicking the plywood board partition multiple times to topple the fence. Mohamedali was the third person to participate in this activity.

He was arrested and booked for unlawful assembly and disorderly conduct, as well as three additional charges of trespassing. He faced six charges altogether from the riot but plead guilty to one simple misdemeanor.

Many state lawmakers and GOP reps are comparing Black Lives Matter tactics and its violent leaders to domestic terror organizations. Oklahoma City Rep. Justin Humphrey recently asked Rep. Kevin West if he would agree that when people “burn, threaten, kill, and intimidate” they are a terrorist group and that Black Lives Matter meets that same description. Rep. West said that he agreed.

The discussion was regarding groups that are “notorious for destruction and threats” and teachings that divide people based on certain messages. Reps. Humphrey and West were discussing House Bill 1775, which would prohibit state colleges and universities from gender or sexual diversity training, as well as teachers from incorporating messages about sex and race in course instruction.

BLM and other “social justice” groups have been fighting for the inclusion of Critical Race Theory and teachings from the New York Times’ “1619 Project” in learning institutions, which would teach students to view every social situation under the lens of race and that there are specific characteristics “inherently inferior” to others.

This isn’t the first time BLM leaders have been caught engaging in suspicious activity. BLM of Greater Atlanta leader Tyree Conyers-Page, otherwise known as Sir Maejor Page, was also charged with three counts of money laundering and one count of wire fraud after using more than $450,000 from the BLM Atlanta Facebook page to purchase homes, travel, and buy luxury items for himself.

BLM’s co-founder Patrisse Khan-Cullors also had her fair share of dipping into social justice funds for the recent purchase of a $1.4 million home in a predominantly white Los Angeles community. She has also bought three other high-end homes in the last few years.

The BLM movement was never about fighting for equality or social justice. It was about profiting from divisiveness and using race-baiting tactics in schools to get the money they want and the power they desire. It is nothing but race-centered Marxism in the name of “justice.”