Big Tech and the mainstream media showed their true colors when suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop scandal. Now, former President Donald Trump casually mentioned that he’s seen the laptop and that it has “more criminality on there than Al Capone ever had.”

Trump called it the “laptop from hell” when announcing his lawsuit against Big Tech including Facebook, Google, and Twitter. It’s a big allegation to make Al Capone look like a baby but a Biden family member just might do it. Especially when there are big bucks involved.

Hunter Biden’s laptop was seized by the FBI through a subpoena dated to December 2019, but the mainstream media has not covered the story since. Even Hunter said he had no memory of dropping the laptop off at a computer shop in Delaware for repair in April 2019 before it was seized.

Even FBI agents refused to take hard drives that were Hunter’s during a raid of Rudy Giuliani’s apartment. He is a longtime lawyer to Trump and shared his raiding incident with Fox News. He said that the Agents refused to take the hard drives that were Hunter’s even though the search warrant prompted them to.

“They decided to leave those behind and were quite content to take my word that they were Hunter Biden’s hard drives. I mean they could have been Donald Trump’s, they could have been Vladimir Putin’s, they could have been anybody’s,” Giuliani said.

The laptop finally made some news when text exchanges were leaked between Joe Biden and Hunter Biden. Joe Biden sent a message on Father’s Day in 2018 when Hunter was in rehab and it was rather alarming. Even more alarming that it didn’t make headlines.

Hunter explained to President Biden that he was in California going to his yoga week in Big Sur. “I love you Dad and I’m sorry I won’t be there for Father’s Day. Being home is really hard for me. Being away from you is harder. There had never been a boy more loved by a Dad than me by you. All I want is to make you proud. And I know I haven’t. But I promise I’m trying Dad,” he wrote.

Joe Biden replied, “You’ve always made me proud you got the disease from mommy and me but you are strong and courageous with so much more to give.”

The disease? Makes you wonder that the apple did not fall far from the tree. The worst part is that this information about Hunter and his father is out in the public and that there have been no investigations and reports about it in the mainstream media. Yet they attacked the Trump family in minute-by-minute news coverage.

And now, Peter Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute, just confirmed that President Joe Biden was a “direct beneficiary” of Hunter Biden’s foreign business deals. They said they have a copy of the laptop and all of the files to confirm what they are saying. Schweizer explained on the Sean Hannity show that they cross-referenced the Secret Service’s travel logs during Joe Biden’s time as vice president. The email references line up with the Secret Service travel records 100%.

“So there is no question. Of course, Hunter Biden hasn’t denied it. But there’s no question that the laptop emails that we have possession of are 100 percent accurate and correspond directly with existing material, and the information is devastating,” Schweizer said.

Schweizer said they are in the middle of the investigation and that it will be completed by the end of the year. He emphasized that it will take on a “far more sinister tone” than it says now about the Biden family and their vulnerabilities. He told Hannity that on a scale of one to ten, the investigation is on an eleven for how bad the coming revelations from the laptop are.

But on a scale of one to ten, we know there are zero chances there will be any consequences for a Biden family member. Democrats would never go after one of their own.