Recently, the White House announced that it has “no plans” to stop construction of Keystone XL’s pipeline. The White House said that it had all options available to address record-high gas prices as well as Russia’s ongoing war with Ukraine.

Gas prices have risen dramatically since 2008 due to the financial crisis. AAA reports that the national average gas price is over $4 per gallon. This is the highest gas price ever recorded.

Biden declared that all Russian oil, natural gas and energy imports into the United States would be prohibited. This ban was implemented in response to Putin’s war on Ukraine.

During remarks at the White House, Biden warned Americans Tuesday that the ban could lead to financial hardship for American families.

Biden warned that Putin’s war against Ukraine has already affected American families at the gas pumps, since Putin began his military buildup near the Ukrainian border. This new action will only make it worse. I will work with our partners to lower Putin’s prices at home.

Jen Psaki (White House Press Secretary) stated Wednesday that it was impossible to restart construction on the Keystone XL Pipeline.

Psaki said that increasing supply does not solve all problems. The pipeline is a delivery system, not an oil field. It doesn’t supply additional supply to the system.

Further questions regarding whether the White House might restart the pipeline were answered by Psaki. He stated, “There are not plans for that.” It wouldn’t solve any of our problems.”

Biden has been criticised by Republicans, who urged him to not lift the executive orders that canceled Keystone XL from Canada and frozen new oil-and gas leases on federal lands.

Republicans and Democrats have both criticized him for high gas prices. They have risen dramatically since his administration, even though they were not affected by Russia’s invasion. Many people have called for him to open oil and gas drilling in the United States in order to decrease the country’s dependence on foreign oil.

Biden stated Tuesday that it is “not true” that the administration has reduced domestic energy production. Biden warned that gas prices will “go further” than record highs, and reiterated his support for government spending on renewable energy sources. He also criticised the inability of the U.S. oil and gas industry to fully take advantage of the drilling opportunities.

Biden claimed that it was simply false that his policies “restricted domestic energy production.”

He stated that American companies had pumped more oil during the pandemic than their predecessors in his first year as president.

Wednesday’s statement by Psaki stated that oil and gas companies already have all permits and she does not believe they needed an embroided invitation for drilling.

“We are seeing that these companies are private-sector businesses. Many of these companies make record profits, which we recognize. Psaki claimed that all data was publicly available. They are being pressured to return cash investors as well as shareholders.

The White House has blamed Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is responsible for record-high gas prices in America. This is known as the “#PutinPriceHike”.

Kate Bedingfield, White House Communications Director, tweeted that Putin has been “saber-rattling for months” and that gas prices are on the rise for months — up 75cs from when he began his military buildup at the Ukrainian border.

She wrote: “This is #PutinPriceHike in work, and @POTUS wird alle Werkzeuge athis disposal um Americans gegen Schmerzen at the Pump.”

Psaki replied to a question regarding the hashtag by saying events around the world, such as the Russian invasions of foreign nations, can cause instability on global oil markets.

Psaki said that there are many issues that could affect that. He said that analysts and economists had “confirmed publicly that Russia’s invasion, Russia’s build-up of troops and President Putin’s decision early in the year caused volatility and instability in oil markets.”

Psaki said that Putin’s military buildup causes volatility and increases oil prices and prices. Gas prices rise.”

When asked by the president if he had any messages for Americans regarding gas prices, he replied that he did.